Promising to integrate his obsession with marriage into his speech about whether or not he will run for president, Rick Santorum says he'll tell America later...
Grab a tissue and watch this tearjerker video of Ellen hosting the two male high school students - one gay, one straight - who are going...
People are responding in hysterical, creative, and investigative ways to anti-gay comments made by the Grandville, Michigan owner of Dieseltec auto repair, who banned gays because...
At least four major state and city governments are the latest banning taxpayer-funded travel to Indiana in response to a new anti-gay law.
Watch as Mike Huckabee continues his biblical attacks on same-sex marriage, using folksy rhetoric to claim to speak for all people of faith.
In a narrow vote, state senators in Virginia voted to allow purveyors of harmful junk science to prey on children.
Former governor Mike Huckabee on Sunday told ABC News, "it's not my nature to be a bully." Just how demonstrably false is that claim?
A Colorado church is accused of refusing to allow a lesbian woman's funeral to take place, as her family and friends gathered waiting to pay their...
About 400 people, gay and straight, joined for a photo op protest of a billboard claiming "No one is born gay."
A virulently anti-gay, "ex-gay" group is misusing scientific research to blast its Christmas hate message on a busy highway billboard.
Conservative grenade thrower Ann Coulter is back on Fox News, in a last-ditch desperate attempt to get attention and her base to the polls.
Probable GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spent the weekend attacking Houston Mayor Annise Parker, and didn't mince a single word.
On Fox News, Mike Huckabee slammed the 1954 federal tax law that regulates churches and religious groups from endorsing political candidates.
Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is threatening the GOP to become more anti-gay than it is now, or else he says he'll leave the party...
Elisabeth Hasselbeck is proud of her knowledge of basic American history, but the hypocritical Fox News host forgets how voting tests were used to disenfranchise Blacks.