Trump simply doesn’t care about looking unethical, only the exercise of power.
Former Trump White House Communications Director Hope Hicks was prevented from answering questions from the House Judiciary Committee 155 times, by a White House attorney who...
Republicans over the past 12 hours? Crickets.
'Some of the President’s Actions Were Inherently Corrupt'
At least six times Trump was warned.
Flynn even provided Mueller with a voice mail audio recording.
"I’m terrified of going back," the whistleblower said. "I know that this will not be perceived in favor of my intentions, which is to bring back...
In a new in-depth report Tuesday on Trump’s efforts to intimidate and defame the investigators, The New York Times documented many new and revealing details of this...
The special counsel is getting close to the “radioactive core” of the case.
Days before President Trump’s inauguration diplomats from governments around the world, Nunes, and Flynn attended the working breakfast meeting.
If anything can keep Trump awake at night, it's these guys.
“You can’t steal the presidency and hold up the presidency as a shield against being held accountable for stealing the presidency”
"Lock him up!" and "USA! USA!"
'You Sold Your Country Out' Judge Tells Flynn
Judge Sullivan asked if Flynn's conduct "rises to the level of treasonous activity?"