Anti-Gay and Anti-Immigrant Bigot, Voter Disenfranchisement Activist With Ties to White Nationalism
Electrocution, Enforced Disappearances, Torture, Extrajudicial Executions, and Collective Punishment Practices
Bill Protects 'Provider's Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs'
"LGBT erasure" bill can deprive same-sex couples of rights in adoption, birth certificate issues
Rubio's Ongoing Work Harming LGBT People Is Not Erased by One Act of Decency
GOP Goal: Get NCAA Games Back in the Tar Heel State
Bill Would Allow Blood Relatives to Be Refused Adoption Rights
Measure Allows Adoption Agencies To Turn Away Same-Sex Couples Based On Religious Beliefs
Gorsuch Would Be the Most Conservative Justice on the Bench Except for Clarence Thomas
Trump Takes Credit for Not Gutting LGBT Protections
The Women's March 'Set the Tone With Their Leadership and It Is Our Intention as a Community to Follow Their Lead and Play Our Part'
'We Hate Being the Dudes That Have to Talk About It'
S.C. Congressman Used Sleazy Anti-Gay Robocall In 2008 State Senate Race
Little Chance McCrory Can Win at This Point
Nomination Poses Significant Threat to Women and LGBT People