Rand Paul has solved the issue of same-sex marriage! Just change the tax code! The problem with the libertarian mindset is it starts with the “get...
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder moments ago, while testifying before Congress, took a moment to scold Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, calling his conduct “unacceptable” and “shameful.”...
The intellectual giants at Breitbart have another winner! “NEW EVIDENCE FROM HIS DOCTORS SHOWS HITLER WAS GAY,” because, you know, “evidence.” Breitbart’s William Bigelow writes: There is...
The majority of Americans support the right of same-sex couples to marry. The majority of Americans support an inclusive ENDA. The majority of Americans support a...
Sarah Palin, whose contract at Fox News was not renewed, told Breitbart that she left Fox to “free up opportunities” and “share more broadly the message...
A new book by a top aide to the Michele Bachmann presidential campaign reveals the Minnesota Congresswoman actually fired a staffer who had seven children, and...
Mitt Romney has reached his John McCain, the “fundamentals of our economy are strong” moment. Ironically, four years and four days to John McCain’s. Mitt Romney’s...
Conservatives are now attacking General David Petraeus, the CIA Director who resigned today because he had an extramarital affair. Petraeus just months ago was considered a possible...
Juan Williams, a Fox News analyst, today published an op-ed at The Hill that slams the GOP’s “false narratives,” “hypocrisy,” and “deliberate misinformation about the Benghazi...
Tuesday night during the presidential debate, CNN’s Candy Crowley fact-checked Mitt Romney, who lied, claiming that Barack Obama did not call the act of terror in...
Today President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly that murdered U.N. Ambassador Chris Stevens “was killed in the city that he helped to save” and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Yesterday, to the delight of Democrats and truth-tellers, best-selling author and foreign policy expert Tom Ricks went on Fox News and told...
Mitt Romney has been sent a letter by the creator of the TV show, “Friday Night Lights,” Peter Berg, suggesting the GOP presidential candidate is guilty...
Mental illness is a serious and challenging subject not to be taken lightly. No one should be embarrassed if they suffer from a metal disorder, just...
Mitt Romney‘s comments on the attacks yesterday in Cairo, Egypt, and Benghazi, Libya, are being labeled by Republicans as an “utter disaster,” “not ready for prime...