Over 1600 pastors have not only admitted, but proudly boasted they are breaking the law by endorsing political candidates, but the IRS is refusing to investigate....
The ACLU, which fights civil rights violations across the nation, says Idaho's Hitching Post chapel is exempt from a non-discrimination ordinance.
The New York Times' conservative columnist, Ross Douthat, spoke last week at a fundraiser for one of America's most anti-gay groups. Many in the LGBT community...
How many people have told how many lies about the Idaho wedding chapel being "forced" to marry same-sex couples? Mike Huckabee's name should be near the...
The religious right is spewing hate and lies, claiming that two ministers are being forced to marry same-sex couples--even claiming the ministers have been arrested. How...
Anti-Gay Groups Turn Spirit Day Into 'Bring Your Bible To School Day'
Today religious activists, including the nation's top anti-gay legal organization, got a large number of students to pray at school - beneath the flag. How many...
With just hours to spare, the full U.S Supreme Court has just halted all Virginia same-sex marriages that were slated to begin tomorrow.
Chief Justice John Roberts has agreed to allow the Supreme Court to decide whether or not a stay is justified in the Virginia same-sex marriage case.
Just hours after the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that same-sex couples can marry next week, anti-gay attorneys announced they will ask the Supreme Court...
How many more anti-gay religious right activists and pundits are going to compare a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission to Hitler's Germany?
It wasn’t long ago that Kirk Cameron, the “Growing Pains” teen star who became a Christian evangelical, was targeting same-sex marriage and gay people. Well, those...
Last February, during the highly-contentious attempt to bring marriage equality to Illinois, the Senate was able to pass a same-sex marriage bill, but at the very last...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Last night, minutes after Governor Jan Brewer vetoed Arizona‘s anti-gay so-called “religious freedom” bill, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes called out the GOP for...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Speaking about Arizona‘s wide-sweeping anti-gay bill, SB 1062, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo this morning was forced to explain to a representative of...