North Carolina Pastor Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church is calling for the mass murder of the world’s homosexuals, as he told his congregation Sunday, May 13,...
Rachel Maddow last night exposed Mitt Romney’s religious right pals, whom he told over the weekend at the Faith and Freedom Conference that straight parents are...
Caiden Cowger, a 14-year old who hosts a popular conservative radio talk show in West Virginia claims that “President Obama is making kids gay,” and says that...
John Derbyshire, the National Review writer who has been excoriated the past 24 hours for a racist screed titled “The Talk: Nonblack Version†which he published on...
Sandra Fluke today appeared on The View and rebuked the “apology” Rush Limbaugh released on Saturday, adding that she preferred that the conservative radio talk show...
Rush Limbaugh, the unofficial head of the GOP, has finally met his match, and it turns out to be Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh, as the world now...
Amazing. Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros tonight on “The Five,” the Glenn Beck replacement show that actually makes money for Rupert Murdoch, actually said that Barack Obama’s...
Michele Bachmann last night said that President Obama under “Obamacare” could mandate the number of children a family is allowed to have, or that the government...
A white supremacist –or more specifically, a “white nationalist” — will be part of one of the first panel discussions at this weekend’s CPAC, which begins...
Dr. Keith Ablow is worried that gay bullies will now attack him for penning a column today that supports an already debunked, flawed research paper which...
Editor’s note: Limbaugh late Saturday afternoon issued an “apology.” Read our take on what it means: “How Rush Limbaugh’s ‘Apology’ Destroys Any Credibility He Had Left...
Today on “The View,” the ladies (that’s how they are referred to!) discussed Michele Bachmann’s handling of the 8-year old boy who told her that his...
On this day, November 14, 1900, Aaron Copland was born in Brooklyn, New York, of Lithuanian Jewish descent. He is best known for the music he wrote in...
Tony Perkins’ certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit kicks off Friday morning, and runs all weekend long, October 7-9. Watch live streaming...
Andrew Breitbart’s comments that conservatives outnumber liberals and “we have the guns,” was the subject of a segment on last night’s The Ed Show on MSNBC,...