A Congressman representing Pennsylvania today in a U.S. House of Representatives committee hearing told Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius that contraception is not...
Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul and a decided gay icon, has announced she is ready to get married, to longtime beau William “Willie” Wilkerson. Franklin...
Matt Barber is a member of the well-funded, politically powerful anti-gay lobby and one of the radical religious right’s most-out-spoken professional anti-LGBT activists. Like many, they cloak...
In its dirty War Against Gays, the National Organization for Marriage never has hesitated to tell lies, more lies, and even more lies towards perpetuating the absolute...
Today, Darrell Issa, Chair of the House government oversight committee, hosted an “inquiry” into the Obama administration’s decision to ensure contraception services and preventative healthcare are...
American Catholics support President Obama’s mandate that Catholic and other religious-owned businesses provide contraception services to their employees via their health insurance coverage. But of course...
A 61-year old Los Angeles elementary school teacher, Mark Berndt, has been arrested after police say he molested at least 23 of his male and female seven...
Pat Robertson on his “700 Club” show today said “the union of two men doesn’t bring forth anything except disease, apparently, and suffering, and the same thing...
Tennessee Senator Stacey Campfield was reportedly kicked out of a local Knoxville, Tennessee restaurant for recent comments he made about gay people and HIV/AIDS. The Facebook page...
Recognizing that “there are approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS, including more than 290,000 women,” and that the “domestic epidemic disproportionately affects women of color,...
This week bloggers exposed a regulation passed in July that could effectively bar transgender, transsexual, and gender non-conforming people from boarding airplanes in Canada. While it is still...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, yesterday on their NOMblog website ran a story titled, “Lesbian Couple Boasts About Hiding Gender of Son for Five Years,”...
There is no end to the stinking hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. In reaction to President Barack Obama’s voiced support for respect for same-sex married couples,...
Editor’s note: Pastor Harris gave an interview to veteran journalist Michelangelo Signorile today. Read: “Pastor Harris To Signorile: My Words Were “Chopped†And Taken Out Of...
Editor’s  note: This is a quickly-developing story. See the latest on Rush Limbaugh here. Rush Limbaugh’s brand is so toxic that he’s lost nine advertisers already, and has...