Fourteen magistrates in North Carolina are refusing to marry same-sex couples. They are the latest in a string of taxpayer-funded government employees citing their "sincerely held...
In a 5-4 ruling the U.S. Supreme Court has just handed down one of the most consequential civil rights decisions in its history.
The Supreme Court could hand down its ruling on same-sex marriage today, or very soon.
A new nationwide poll was just released, and you'll never guess who's at the top.
It is a day the country has waited for for months, and in a way, since the nation was founded over two centuries ago. Finally, same-sex...
The U.S. Supreme Court just denied an attempt by the National Organization For Marriage to intervene in an Oregon same-sex marriage case.
The leader of a powerful and well-funded Christian group is calling on 100,000 pastors to dig up dirt on Republican candidates and staffers in an anti-gay...
GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul says "traditional marriage" is founded in religion, same-sex unions should only be about contracts.
Dr. Rand Paul (as he now prefers to be called) is officially running for president. Here are 10 of the best responses, via Twitter.
Rand Paul just quietly released a video announcing his run for the presidency, but most of the clips of him speaking are from one of the...
Tea Party Republican Senator Rand Paul revealed his true beliefs in an interview with Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting network.
Watch as Libertarian Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul comes out swinging against same-sex marriage in an attempt to appeal to the far right.
U.S. Senator Rand Paul until recently was a longtime member of a fringe medical groups whose beliefs include AIDS denialism and autism is caused by vaccines.
Ken Ham's Ark Encounter wants to ensure its "right" to practice religious discrimination and is now suing over "increasing government hostility towards religion."
Rand Paul, a medical doctor - ophthalmologist, actually, - by training, has an even more ridiculous position on vaccines than Chris Christie.