The Duggars are claiming the police records detailing Josh Duggars sexual molestation of four girls when he was a teen were released illegally, and their defenders...
Another police report has surfaced, providing even more damning evidence against Josh Duggar, and the lack of action his parents took.
Larry Wilmore, host of Comedy Central's "The Nightly Show," has a few points of irony about the Duggar sex scandal.
If TLC is forced to cancel its "19 Kids and Counting" cash cow, the Duggars may still have a reality TV home on the same channel.
Former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum says he's giving another shot at winning the White House in 2016.
Legislation that would literally defund same-sex marriage in Texas was not brought up before the midnight deadline Thursday, but activists should not relax yet - here's...
George Zimmerman has been involved in yet another law enforcement incident, this time he was shot and sustained minor injuries.
On Sunday Ben Carson tossed out two centuries of constitutional law saying the President doesn't need to observe Supreme Court rulings, including on same-sex marriage.
An Oregon judge has ruled in what has become an iconic anti-gay discrimination case, and the Christian bakery owners are claiming that money will take food...
People are responding in hysterical, creative, and investigative ways to anti-gay comments made by the Grandville, Michigan owner of Dieseltec auto repair, who banned gays because...
Mike Pence has just signed what he says is a "fix" for the discriminatory "religious freedom" law. Is it enough?
At least four major state and city governments are the latest banning taxpayer-funded travel to Indiana in response to a new anti-gay law.
An estimated 3000 people from all walks of life joined together to protest an anti-LGBT law disguised as "religious freedom" legislation.
Utah, with the support of the Mormon Church, has passed a landmark LGBT anti-discrimination and religious freedom bill.
The Georgia State Senate has just passed a pro-discrimination, anti-gay religious license to discriminate bill, by an overwhelmingly large margin.