Thirty members of a religious group called Faithful America on Tuesday walked into New York City’s Rockefeller Center and met with MSNBC representatives, handing them over...
Gawker today, asking, “Did Newt Gingrich Out Brit Hume’s Dead Gay Son?,” called the tragic-yet-true story of a gay journalist who committed suicide by shooting himself...
In what is a shockingly disappointing act of journalism malpractice, MSNBC joined the ranks of Fox News yesterday when they ran a selectively edited video of...
The Sheriff for Greensburg, Indiana, home to the church that Sunday applauded a four-year old boy’s singing of “Ain’t No Homos Gonna Get Into Heaven,” says...
Michelle Malkin, the caustic conservative Tea Party Fox News Hot Air hypocrite, today published an op-ed titled, “Bigoted Anti-Bigots,” which claims “the gay-marriage mob slimed Manny...
A fundraising email about a fictitious “President Obama’s Million Rifle Ban” depicted an angry President Obama with his finger pointed at Republican Senator Rand Paul —...
Sarah Palin apparently has gone so “Rogue” she is back to talking about Death Panels and now has a new name for herself. No longer “Maverick,”...
Keith Olbermann has been fired from Current TV, just one year into his five-year, $50 million contract. Olbermann announced shortly after being notified of his termination...
Kirk Cameron today appeared on NBC’s “Today Show” and “Fox and Friends” and tried once again to twist his ruinous CNN Piers Morgan Tonight interview that...
Sarah Palin said last night on Fox that President Barack Obama’s “goose is cooked” after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker survived his recall election yesterday. Palin, the forty-​eight...
In a ridiculous, poorly-researched opinion hatchet job examining the aftermath of Amendment One, titled, “The bile being spat at the people of North Carolina exposes the ugly...
Alvin McEwen has revealed some of the more prominent names of public individuals he says were listed as part of a secret Facebook-based anti-gay group that was...
Editor’s note: Politics is controversial. Art is controversial. Where politics and art meet can be very controversial. We recognize the image above, and the words below,...
Republican Rep. Allen West, known mostly for his record of incendiary rhetoric and outright lies, now claims he did not tell President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid,...
Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter says it’s “fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies,” and adds that Jesus never once said anything about...