Today I risked arrest for the first time in my life. Risking arrest isn’t something I ever imagined myself doing, but it is something I felt...
Remember Kaitlyn Hunt, the Florida teen fighting felony sex offender charges after the parents of her younger high school girlfriend demanded her arrest when they learned...
In what can only be viewed as an extension of Pope Benedict XVI‘s declared international religious holy war on gays, the Catholic Church actually sent a...
Five baby short-finned pilot whales are the last alive among their pod of 22 that beached themselves this morning near Fort Pierce, Florida. Scientists, who are right now...
Despite Florida‘s despicable election system and the fact that they are the only state to not have finished their election day counting (New York and New...
Florida last night elected the man who will become its first openly-gay state legislator, David Richardson (image), and three openly-gay Democrats, Joe Saunders, John Alvarez, and Ian Whitney won their...
Congressman Allen West is now former Congressman Allen West. The Tea Party favorite, Islamophobic, homophobic, reality-denying liar lost his re-election bid and won’t have to sit...
Conservative pundit and famous blogger Andrew Sullivan said yesterday if Mitt Romney wins Virginia and Florida, “you’ve got the Civil War.” The Daily Beast blogger was...
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney this weekend responded to Mitt Romney‘s strong suggestion that President Obama will take the word “God” off U.S. currency. “The president...
Tea Party Republican Rep. Allen West lost his re-election bid to Democrat Patrick Murphy, so now, all of a sudden, he is concerned about having “a...
A Florida beach lifeguard saw a man drowning in the water, ran to save him, got him medical attention, and when he was finished, got fired....
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, a former Florida GOP chairman, and other Republican operatives are saying that early voting reductions in the...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; A 17-year old boy was shot and killed after a 45-year old man drove up and parked next to the teen’s car...
Newt Gingrich comes in a “distant second” to Mitt Romney in the Florida GOP primary. Currently NBC News is projecting Romney with 47% to Gingrich’s 31%....
Congressman Allen West is about to be redistricted out of a job, and the Florida GOP is the one to blame. Or, thank. West, the Tea...