The Trump White House is in secret talks with top Senate Republicans to draft a strategy on how the impeachment trial will be conducted after the...
"In the mafia there’s a concept known as “kicking up” or “paying tribute” to the Boss - lining the Boss’s pockets to keep him happy."
"It is time for all of us to blow the whistle on the wrongdoings of this campaign."
The secretive Christian evangelical organization allegedly has ties to Ugandan politicians who worked to enact the "Kill the Gays" bill.
Why didn't the wrestling coach and teammates stand up to the referee?
'T-Shirts Will Be on Sale at an Urban Outfitters Near You'
"Merrick. Motherf*cking. Garland."
'Let's Remember the Blessings That We've Been Given in This Amazing Country' Speaker Ryan Says
"The president disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles from the WH, on the other hand he oversaw a hurricane response that left nearly 5,000 of our fellow citizens...
Trump's anti-LGBT actions have been far, far worse and damaging than many ever imagined.
Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren is famous for making infamously idiotic statements.
Committee Asking for Documents
'She's Been Terrible to Gay People for the Longest Time' Sarandon Says of Hillary Clinton
The Gold Star widow of slain Army Sgt. La David Johnson has confirmed to ABC News that a viral post in which she praises Donald Trump...
President Spoke With Widow of 25 Year Old U.S. Army Sgt. For Five Minutes