Sarah Palin is writing yet another book, and this one seems designed to prove to America they made the right choice in 2008. The author of...
As Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney directed his legal staff to investigate the circumstances surrounding the birth of each and every child born to same-sex parents, before...
Mental illness is a serious and challenging subject not to be taken lightly. No one should be embarrassed if they suffer from a metal disorder, just...
The Values Voters Summit began today and it was a doozy. LGBT people and our rights were certainly demonized and trivialized, as were African-Americans, and women, but...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Ultra conservative Tea Party Republican U.S. Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina, has announced his resignation and will become head of the ultra...
When a judge ordered the release of the so-called National Organization for Marriage’s anti-gay, race-baiting strategy documents, the towering civil rights leader Julian Bond said, “It confirmed a suspicion...
GOProud, the gay Republican Tea Party group, today “enthusiastically” endorsed de-facto Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, claiming the 65-year old is “light years better” than Barack Obama. Mysteriously,...
Parents in this video take their toddler, put him into a laundromat washing machine, close the door, and, well, somehow the machine locks the door and...
Michelangelo Signorile, the veteran journalist who hosts an LGBT radio show, interviewed former SNL actress and Tea Party activist Victoria Jackson, who — in her typical...
Matt Barber is a member of the well-funded, politically powerful anti-gay lobby and one of the radical religious right’s most-out-spoken professional anti-LGBT activists. Like many, they cloak...
Andrew Breitbart, the radical Tea Party media mogul best-known as a purveyor of misleading and faulty — if not outright false —  information, tonight was filmed in...
Michael Kobulnicky, a spokesperson for the Tea Party in San Diego, has been arrested on charges of suspicion of rape after reportedly picking a woman up...
Bryan Fischer, public voice of the certified hate group American Family Association, says in this video clip that “this kind of behavior is a death sentence,...
“I’m quite happy to say I come out of a tradition which is several thousand years old that says marriage is between a man and a...
Ann Coulter says that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is a “hideous beast with a voice that sounds like a...