Reverend William Owens, a well-known African-American pastor who identifies himself as “a religious liaison for the National Organization For Marriage,” says men having sex with dogs is...
Rhonda Lee, a meteorologist at KTBS, a family-owned ABC-affiliated TV station in Shreveport, Louisiana, was fired after responding on the station’s Facebook page to a negative...
Today President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly that murdered U.N. Ambassador Chris Stevens “was killed in the city that he helped to save” and...
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, recorded a desperate video demanding pastors in Maine turn their congregants into “Christian citizens,” or else “the future of...
A Mississippi-born 72-year old Maryland state lawmaker and Baltimore Baptist Minister used his office — and official office stationary — to possibly violate the First Amendment...
More than one in ten of most religious Americans would allow a woman to die rather than allow her an abortion when her life is threatened,...
Ann Romney today on ABC’s “The View” said that her husband Mitt Romney serving as a Mormon missionary in Paris, France, in the late 1960’s was...
Ann Coulter, of course, was “just kidding,” no doubt, when she wrote today via Twitter, “Last Thursday was national ‘coming out’ day. This Monday is national...
Stating, “I write these books because I try to correct things people believe that are just false,” Ann Coulter went on “The View” today and said...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; When Hillary Clinton fainted from dehydration after the flu earlier this month, conservatives, like Allen West, called it the “Benghazi Flu,” in...
This post is the tenth in a series of Spilled Milk columns by Emmy Award-winning writer and producer William Lucas Walker that chronicle his journey through parenthood. Spilled Milk, which originates in The...
2012 may be the most important Presidential election of your lifetime. For me, not voting has never been an option and this year not exercising your...
Jonathan Phelps, son of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, says that “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should...
Roman Catholic Archbishop quotes discredited anti-gay parenting “study” of Mark Regnerus as proof gays should not be allowed to marry or raise children. John Myers, the Archbishop of...
The Christian right’s organized anti-gay hatred is a three-legged stool: anti-gay hatred indoctrination from a young age, the Bible, and the false belief that homosexuality is...