Measure Allows Adoption Agencies To Turn Away Same-Sex Couples Based On Religious Beliefs
She Was Only Too Happy to Correct It
Shortly After Being Hacked Himself, Pence Called Clinton 'The Most Dishonest Candidate for President Since Richard Nixon'
Constituents Furious Republicans Have Not Investigated Trump's Russian Connections
Trump Had Pledged to 'Protect' the LGBT Community 'From Violence and Oppression'
AG Jeff Sessions Backs Away From Defense Of Pro-Transgender School Guidance
Vice President Won't Say If Trump Will Sign Sweeping Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Order
Gorsuch Would Be the Most Conservative Justice on the Bench Except for Clarence Thomas
The Women's March 'Set the Tone With Their Leadership and It Is Our Intention as a Community to Follow Their Lead and Play Our Part'
Congressman Accused of 'Outrageous Thuggish Behavior'
Tillerson Delivers Blanket Statement Denouncing Violence and Discrimination
S.C. Congressman Used Sleazy Anti-Gay Robocall In 2008 State Senate Race
Began as Retribution and a Personal Vendetta Against Hillary Clinton
Senate Democratic Leader Calls For Congressional Investigation
'We're Coming for You'