We have heroes in our midst.
Nauert's explanations at times have been misleading or false.
Trump-Haley 2020?
Nauert has attacked the press, lied about the US voting against a death penalty resolution protecting LGBT people, and was apparently unaware North Korea "has the...
"How could there be chants of 'Nepotism!' If everybody wants her?"
'That Replacement Will Not Be Me'
Ivanka Trump is Not Well-Liked, and What About Nepotism?
Haley calls the UN Human Rights Council "hypocritical and self-serving."
Eleanor Roosevelt chaired the committee that drafted the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Now the US will exit the Council.
"Mike Pence’s nefarious agenda has been allowed to fly under the radar for too long. He has become not only the most powerful vice president in...
128-9 Against the U.S.
Secretary Tillerson Took Months to Address the Anti-LGBT Concentration Camps in Chechnya
Tillerson Admits to Congress No Communication on Human Rights Crisis of Gay Men to Russia
Families Are Killing Their Own While Donald Trump Remains Silent
Gay Men Across Chechnya Are Sharing Stories of Kidnapping and Torture