John Sununu, an outspoken top advisor to Mitt Romney, his campaign chair, and a Romney surrogate who frequently appears on TV news shows, yesterday told America...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Over 650,000 people have signed a petition asking Macy’s (NYSE:M) to dump Donald Trump after the Birther King and real estate magnate called...
Broadway stars and musical theatre performers got together to create the Obama re-election ad by turning Les Misérables’ “One Day More” into “One Term More.” The...
Jonathan Phelps, son of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, says that “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 2012 was a watershed year that historians — and all Americans — will look to as the moment reborn Democratic politics won...
The Republican National Committee, home of the Republican Party and the GOP, hosts several websites, including “RNC Women,” which has been dormant and has not been...
Michelle Malkin, the caustic conservative Tea Party Fox News Hot Air hypocrite, today published an op-ed titled, “Bigoted Anti-Bigots,” which claims “the gay-marriage mob slimed Manny...
Tea Party Republican U.S. Congressman Mike Coffman from Colorado told a group of supporters last week that President Barack Obama is “just not an American.” He...
“Feminism†with a capital “F†is making a roaring comeback, thanks to the Republican War On Women: misogyny on steroids. It’s time we demand a new...
The name Rick Santorum has become synonymous with several things, mostly the neologism “santorum,” and a radical religious right position on so-called “social issues.” But did...
Is this the most disgusting cartoon, or political commentary, related to Rush Limbaugh‘s attack on Sandra Fluke? Syndicated political cartoonist Mike Lester published this “cartoon” of...
As the entire world now knows, four Marines urinated on the corpses of dead Afghanistan — civilians or combatants, we don’t yet know. Predictably, a handful...
A white supremacist –or more specifically, a “white nationalist” — will be part of one of the first panel discussions at this weekend’s CPAC, which begins...
Michael Fumento, a respected long-time conservative, just announced he too is quitting the conservative movement, which, he labels as “extreme” and calls it “the new hysterical...
Spake American Meat Institute, President J. Patrick Boyle: “Lean finely textured beef is blended into foods like ground beef. Producing BLBT ensures that lean, nutritious, safe...