Is it possible for a news network to be more excited than candidates or voters? Yes. Take a look.
Kentucky Senator Says Polls Are Wrong
Maine's governor under fire for racist comments he made at a town hall that he insists aren't racist.
Fox News is plugging its main attraction on its New Year's Eve show: Donald Trump.
Here's everything you need to know about tonight's GOP debate, from time, channel, and if you can watch online without a cable subscription
CNN has just announced who will be on the prime-time debate stage, and Mike Huckabee has been downgraded.
Some Republicans, so obsessed with an enemy overseas, are unwilling to condemn or even acknowledge the murderous terror attack on Planned Parenthood on U.S. soil.
Not a single Republican presidential candidate even acknowledged domestic terrorism at Planned Parenthood today, but two did take time to ask supporters to go shopping.
Ben Carson tags onto Donald Trump's false claim, say he too saw the news coverage of thousands of American Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.
President Barack Obama did not hold back his feelings about Republican "rhetoric" and "posturing" over U.S. accepting refugees.
Opinion: The level of Republican inhumanity and stupidity, and refusal to look for facts has reached new heights.
In the wake of Friday's Paris attacks, Republican governors are working to ban Syrian refugees from their states.
Unless you're a political junkie, you likely aren't planning on watching tonight's GOP debate. Here's why you should change your mind.
Fox News has set the rules for the 2016 presidential race by deciding who gets into the main debate and who doesn't. And guess who didn't...
The highly accurate statistician suggests Jeb Bush's days are likely numbered.