Chuck Schumer Supports Gay Marriage: “It’s time. Equality is something that has always been a hallmark of America and no group should be deprived of it. New...
Top 10 Gays and Geeks on Twitter Fagadget says I’m the #10 gay on Twitter. Take a look at the other nine, including Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow,...
Pope Benedict’s trip to Africa has been fraught with outrage from gay rights groups, health care professionals, government officials across the globe, Catholics and, well, just...’s Michael A. Jones is one of the most credible gay bloggers. He writes intelligently about facts. So, for him to write “Pope Benedict XVI is...
 Webster’s: “1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual...
Watching Congress’ “interrogations” today about AIG’s $165 million employee bonuses, I had a good time. It’s fun to see giants of excess, the over-compensated, over-hyped, get...
To make everyone equal, is it OK to give the name marriage to religion & let the state only “civil unionize” everyone?  You can also...
Remember that classic moment when Joe The Plumber first met Barack Obama? It was back in October, just a few days before the final presidential debate,...
Today’s New York Times reports, “Obama on Spot Over a Benefit to Gay Couples“: “Just seven weeks into office, President Obama is being forced to confront one of...
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford today said he will reject some of the federal stimulus money earmarked by Congress for his state. In what is clearly a...
 The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Nathaniel Frank Daily Show Full Episodes Important Things With Demetri Martin Political Humor Economic...
If I had cancer then caught the flu because I had to crawl home in a snowstorm after being bitten by a dog then broke my...
The passage of Proposition 8 in California’s 2008 election achieved many results. First, it effectively banned same-sex marriage. Second, it united and mobilized millions of gay...
The cashier at the grocery store all day long takes cans and bread and meat and slides them along the scanner and puts them in a... What if you had to ask 300 million people for permission to marry the person you love?