American Foundation For Equal Rights (AFER) reports the Ninth Circuit says the Prop 8 oral arguments will be televised live on December 6. Scheduled to begin...
The Washington Post’s Sally Quinn, who up until recently wrote about religion for WaPo, says things about John McCain, whom she knows, you would never have...
Something to get you through the day! Or, as Andrew Sullivan says, “All The Secret Words“ Subscribe to The New Civil Rights Movement <!– google_ad_client...
With all the hard work you’ve done, wouldn’t it be a crime if “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” weren’t repealed? One of the best ways you can...
Chris Geidner of MetroWeekly (who has been a fountain of LGBT political news) just reported that President Obama has indeed picked up the phone and spoken...
I’m glad that the issue of anti-gay bullying and the specter of the teen suicides that have shocked America has not disappeared from the main stream...
Lt. Dan Choi, fresh out of jail after joining twelve other LGBT GetEQUAL activists in chaining themselves to the White House’s fence, tonight via Twitter delivered...
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made headlines recently by upstaging her boss on gay rights — doing a lot for LGBT equality within the State...
Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart, who appeared last week at a forum examining “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” tells MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan that it is “sad to...
Last night, seven of the thirteen gay and lesbian GetEQUAL activists who were arrested yesterday after chaining themselves to the White House fence to force repeal of...
Politico and AmericaBlog are reporting that six (my reports say seven,) of the thirteen GetEQUAL activists who were arrested yesterday after chaining themselves to the White...
Senator Carl Levin, the Chair of the Armed Services Committee, is considering separating the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) repeal bill from the larger National Defense...
Gays have always had an issue with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better-known as “The Mormon Church.” Best-known in the gay community as...
New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan was elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this morning, over the expected front-runner, a bishop considered more...
On last night’s The Daily Show, Jon Stewart aired his new PSA, targeting John McCain’s opposition to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Thanks, Cindy… The Daily Show...