Presents U.S. LGBT Movement New Opportunity To Forge Progressive Political Agenda With Allies From Madison to Tripoli, the conventional understanding of political order at home and...
Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush’s former Secretary of State, speaking on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS Sunday said, “It was a top priority. We wanted to get Osama Bin Laden...
Do LGBT people in the public eye have a responsibility to come out? It’s a question we asked in response to Rachel Maddow, the out and...
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly discusses how birther racism isn’t racism. “I don’t see all these racial confrontations in the country and I do this every...
A same-sex binational married couple, Josh Vandiver and Henry Velandia, legally married in Connecticut last year, explain to MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts how Henry will be deported...
I am very proud to say that my better half, my partner, the man of my dreams and one day, the man I will marry, Caleb...
Almost half of all Americans, 47%, have an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, the highest unfavorable Gallup has ever recorded of the nascent, loosely-organized group...
Tea Party leaders are now suggesting that President Obama, who released his long-form birth certificate Wednesday, has “multiple social security numbers,” and claims Obama is friends...
Last night, Fox News’ birther-conspiracy theory pusher Sean Hannity repeatedly told his guests and his audience how he never really believed the birthers. But Hannity, who...
The Atlanta Braves batting coach, Roger McDowell, who was the subject of a press conference Wednesday, in which all-star lawyer Gloria Allred relayed that McDowell had...
“If I had to put it at an equation I think there’s still a good 10% to 20% chance,” President Obama is not an American, said...
The 18-year old woman who was arrested for a vicious attack on a transgender woman last week was arrested last year for assault in the exact...
Americans on average now believe that one in four people — 25% — are gay or lesbian, and a large number, 35%, of Americans believe that...
President Obama and the First Lady appeared today on Oprah and discussed his release of his actual, real, long-form birth certificate. Also: Look: Barack Obama’s Actual...
Atlanta Braves Coach Roger McDowell has been accused of using anti-gay language and sexually suggestive motions in a game Easter Sunday, in direct view of children...