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Gay College Football Player Comes Out — Gets Kicked Off Team



Jamie Kuntz, a college football player at North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS), was caught over Labor Day weekend giving his boyfriend a kiss while they were alone in the pressbox at an away game in in Pueblo, Colorado. On the way home, the coach pulled Kuntz off the bus and confronted him.Unsurprisingly, Kuntz lied but then, while on the 15-hour trip home, admitted the lie and acknowledged he is gay and had indeed shared a kiss with his boyfriend. The next day, his coach kicked him off the team, supposedly, for kissing his boyfriend during the game, for lying to his coach about the kiss, for being a “distraction,” and for being “detrimental” to the team.

Kuntz’s coach, Chuck Parsons, made sure to mention Kuntz wasn’t being kicked off the football team — his only reason for attending that school — for being gay. But telling his coach a lie, that was a major infraction that could only be resolved by ending Kuntz’s college football career.

How is this coach’s behavior acceptable in modern-day America? How did the university not intervene on Kuntz’s behalf?

“The letter, which Kuntz shared with me, is signed by NDSCS Head Football Chuck Parsons, Dan Savage, yesterday, reported:

It reads in part: “The head coach reserves the right to dismiss any team member for any conduct that is deemed detrimental to the team. This includes, but is not limited to, any criminal charges or convictions; violations of school policies, NDSCS athletic policies, or NDSCS Wildcat Football policies… Lying to Coaches, Teachers, or other school staff [constitute a violation].” The letter continues: “This decision was arrived at solely on the basis of your conduct during the football game… and because you choose not to be truthful with when I confronted you about whom else was in the box with you.”

Coach Parsons seems to be anticipating charges of homophobia when he emphasizes that Kuntz is being kicked off the team “solely on the basis” of his conduct at the game and lying about it.

“It’s ludicrous to say Jamie’s sexual orientation had nothing to do with his release from the team,” said Cyd Zeigler of, the online gay sports community. “Kissing someone during a game isn’t a distraction unless it’s a ‘gay kiss.’ And even if it were a distraction, a slap on the wrist is more than enough to get the point across. Kicking him off the team for such a minor offense comes from one place and one place only: homophobia.”

Other members of the team, according to Kuntz, have been caught drinking, a violation of team rules; one member, a minor, was detained by the police after being found in a 21-and-over club. Some members of the team have “criminal charges and convictions,” according to Kuntz, both misdemeanors and felonies. Another player had a house party that was shut down by the police in Wapheton.

“Nothing happened to him,” says Kuntz. “He’s still on the team. He played on Saturday. I don’t feel that I should’ve been kicked off the team for this. It was a kiss. It was a mistake, but it was just a kiss. We weren’t making out.”

At least one member of the football team at NDSCS agrees with Kuntz. (This team member didn’t want to be quoted by name for fear of damaging his relationship with the coaching staff.) “I didn’t see anything during that game,” the team member told me in a phone interview, “but my teammates told me they saw Jamie up in the press box with another guy and that they were doing stuff. From what I hear they’re saying Jamie got kicked off the team for lying. But if he broke a team rule about lying then I think a suspension should’ve been the punishment and not getting kicked off the team.”

[Bolding ours]

Savage’s report is extensive. There’s one more detail that sadly makes this story not very media-friendly. Dan notes:

One detail about Jamie Kuntz’ story makes it highly unlikely that he will become a poster child for young gay athletes: Kuntz’s boyfriend is 65 years old.

So, Jamie Kuntz is now facing homophobia and ageism. Which is a double-whammy of disgusting. Kuntz’s boyfriend’s age should have little to nothing to do with this story.

The obvious question here is, if all the details were the same, except Kuntz was kissing a 65-year old woman, he’d probably be hailed as a hero among his team, and probably by his coach.

There’s a lot more detail over at I don’t want to be one to judge others’ >relationships ’cause it’s none of my > business, You’re failing… >but the fact that one is 18 or 19 >and the other is 65 makes me wonder >if they don’t have other individual issues >they need to sort out. Which sound’s like “their relationship isn’t like MINE so THEY must be troubled.” I think you have issues to sort out, 14. Posted by DNash on September 10, 2012 at 7:13 PM 35 There needs to be some hilarious Savage reader posting on this facebook page:… Posted by AdamP on September 10, 2012 at 7:20 PM 36 There needs to be some hilarious Savage reader posting on this facebook page:… Posted by AdamP on September 10, 2012 at 7:37 PM 37 In my lifetime I’ve seen maybe a half dozen footballs player PROPOSE to their girlfriend on the football field and kiss them right there in front of MILLIONS of viewers. The night Boise State beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl, that exactly what millions of people saw. But I want to ask a question of Dan: If your a young guy whose thing is older men, how old do you have to be before it’s appropriate to pursue them? Isn’t this kid 18? Could he be in Afghanistan killing people right now? My lawfully wedded husband is 30 years older than me so I know exactly what rows Jaime’s boat in terms of being into older men. I met my husband when I was 30 and he was 60. I’m now 59 and he’s 89. Not one fucking thing has changed about how I feel about him since the day I met him. I had a daughter from a previous marriage who was 6 when I met my husband and she regards him like a father. She even named her first child after him. Yes, there are some dues to pay when you love an older man; them getting older and needing you to take care of them for a long time. You know what? Doing that has magnified my loyalty and affection for him 10 fold. I got the greatest love of my life in the deal, someone who stood by me when my family basically abandoned me, and it’s my great privilege to take care of him in the winter of his life. Posted by milemarker on September 10, 2012 at 8:02 PM 38 @37 and others. Thank you for bringing a positive perspective and some SANITY to this discussion. I have never seen a more ludicrous display of inane gibberish in my whole life. Kuntz is 18, nothing more to be said. End of story. Forced to lie by a homophobic coach is his only error in judgment, but he proved his strength of character by setting the record straight. I would like to point out that I am 64 and belong to several dating sites for gay men. I quite regularly receive messages from very young men, 18-25, who want to meet me and be with me. As it turns out, that is not a relationship that appeals to me. But who am I to judge others, in my age group, who desire one? And finally, when was the last time anyone went ballistic when Hugh Hefner, who is, what, 86, is seen with a 24 year old bombshell draping herself all over his velvet robe? Give me a break. Posted by SDBudde on September 10, 2012 at 8:37 PM 39 They’re both legally adults, Dan. It’s not your place to judge their relationship. Posted by dansan on September 10, 2012 at 8:40 PM 40 Did I say that Jamie wasn’t an adult? Or that there was anything illegal about this relationship? I didn’t say that Jamie was being abused, or that there was anything inherently wrong with his relationship. I quoted him defending his boyfriend, describing himself as the aggressor. My only beef with the boyfriend was that he was reckless. And I’m sorry, gang, but making out with your closeted teenage football player boyfriend at a FOOTBALL GAME in full view of his teammates and coaches—does that sound like a wise move? Remember my campsite rule for sexual relationships involving large age gaps: leave ’em in better shape than you found ’em. I don’t think Jamie’s boyfriend left him in better shape than he found him—not that Jamie’s boyfriend left him. They’re still together. And Jamie is happy with my piece and thinks it’s fair to him and his boyfriend. So… you know. There’s that. Posted by Dan Savage on September 10, 2012 at 9:00 PM 41 @38 people are regularly Ew over Hef… But, they can’t stop it, so what’s the use of complaining… Posted by TheMisanthrope on September 10, 2012 at 9:04 PM 42 Sorry—not making out. A kiss. Still reckless. And still a violation of the campsite rule. Posted by Dan Savage on September 10, 2012 at 9:04 PM 43 Hey Dan– When you spoke to Jamie, did you ask him when he started dating his current boyfriend? Or did that question not occur to our intrepid reporter? Posted by robotslave on September 10, 2012 at 9:30 PM 44 Dan, you make a good point about the campsite rule (though you and I may disagree on how much blame the boyfriend deserves). What bothered me was not so much what you said, but what other people were saying in making comparisons between Jamie’s boyfriend and Sandusky. I felt those comments were very inappropriate and unacceptable. Posted by lqtm on September 10, 2012 at 10:26 PM 45 Well, one person quoted in story raised the Sandusky comparison, another quoted immediately after shot it down. Seems like a wash to me. Posted by Dan Savage on September 10, 2012 at 10:46 PM 46 A lot of great hilarious commentary here, and Wow I can’t believe how ready y’all are to beat up on Dan for “judging” someone. But where the hell are Beavis and Butthead when you need them? That last photo, chosen on purpose by Mr Savage, says dickinson. Posted by pinch-flat on September 10, 2012 at 11:10 PM 47 Shame, Dan. That you “feel nothing but anger” toward his boyfriend shows that you need to step back and reconsider just why you are having such a visceral reaction to something that is of no concern. It is the same bogus reasoning that says gay people “recruit.” The *worst* that can be said was that he was supposed to be filming. That simply results in a severe talking-to: “We brought you to do a job and you dropped the ball. What you do on your own time is your business but on our time, you are to do the task assigned to you.” What two consenting adults do is not for other people to titter about, clutch their pearls, and start railing against. “Impulsive”? “Reckless”? “Disregard”? Exactly how infantilized do you think Kuntz is? Unless you’re trying to say that Kuntz’ boyfriend was a hop, skip, and jump from rape, then it is naught but bigotry that leads you to be “angry.” Pull your head out of your ass, Dan. Posted by Rrhain on September 11, 2012 at 12:14 AM 48 The Sandusky comparison is a red herring, of course. But. Did you ask Jamie when he initiated his relationship with his 65-year-old boyfriend? And did it not occur to you to ask that question, Dan? Posted by robotslave on September 11, 2012 at 12:31 AM 49 @37,38, and 47. Good for you for sticking up for someone’s right to love whomever they choose. Wasn’t that exactly what the original Gay Liberation Movement was about?! Now it seems we’re all supposed to marry our monogamous (or “monogamish”) boyfriend, get a house with a white-picket fence, and start raising babies. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I like Dan Savage, but he has always had a problem with relationships where there’s an age gap. (Check out the old columns.) His automatic default position is that there must be something wrong. This a problem of Dan’s, that Dan needs to work out, and he should stop projecting his issue onto other couples. What Jamie needs to do for himself now is to stay in competitive shape and, assuming he’s as good a player as the article implies, put together a great promo/press tape to send to colleges that are less homophobic than NDSCS. Given that he’s already received so much publicity, perhaps there are other gay athletes, coaches, alumni, etc., who will get involved and can steer him to a school where he can both play football and have a boyfriend. Of whatever age. I wish them the best of luck., Posted by Don Diego on September 11, 2012 at 1:00 AM 50 A lot of people are judging the boyfriend against an ideal-world situation and Dan’s judging him against the real-world situation. Both are right, only the kid’s coming out process has now become that much tougher… Is it too much to ask that people think about consequences – even though they shouldn’t be in an ideal world – precisely because the stakes are high? Posted by fahima on September 11, 2012 at 2:42 AM 51 There are a lot of technical questions: Were they alone in a very visible or distantly elevated press box? Did Jamie miss filming a great scoring intercept by his team? Did the other team see the kiss and start taunting Jamie’s visiting teammates? A head injury-especially frontal lobe damage can specially impair judgement about acting out in public. Age difference-no problem-it will work itself out either way in due time, it always does. BUT the older mate should have kept a distance and some restraint if he respected Jamie’s wishes and dreams for a future in football (until they were in a better place and time). If Jamie is attracted to the older man because of his experience and maturity, then the older man failed Jamie in not staying away during a highly visible working school function. Posted by Star Boy on September 11, 2012 at 4:24 AM 52 There are a lot of technical questions: Were they alone in a very visible or distantly elevated press box? Did Jamie miss filming a great scoring intercept by his team? Did the other team see the kiss and start taunting Jamie’s visiting teammates? A head injury-especially frontal lobe damage can specifically impair judgment about acting out in public. Age difference-no problem-it will work itself out either way in due time, it always does. BUT the older mate should have kept a distance and some restraint if he respected Jamie’s wishes and dreams for a future in football (until they were in a better place and time). If Jamie is attracted to the older man BECAUSE of his experience and maturity, then the older man failed Jamie in not staying away during a highly visible working school function. Posted by Star Boy on September 11, 2012 at 4:31 AM 53 Does anyone remember Harold and Maude, and how that was seen as nothing more than a quirky, sentimental tearjerker about two kindred spirits who were both so “different” that they had almost no chance in hell of ever finding someone right for them, at least getting to be together for a little while? Can we stop assuming the worst when there is absolutely no indication that anything is wrong here? How can we expect anyone to be tolerant and respectful if we only tolerate and respect things that don’t “squick” us out? The young guy said the older guy was just as afraid to kiss in public as he was, and I believe him. Think about what that older guy’s life has been like, for a minute, will ya? Unfortunately for them (and yes, I’m totally guessing here), they were like, “Oh, fuck it” and just did it, knowing that their fear was justified, because at that one moment, the fact that a fear like that IS justified was just too sad to accept, so they slipped up and momentarily pretended they had been born in a world that wasn’t quite as brutal, cruel and unfair. For ONE FREAKING second. And now, here are two guys who won’t get the benefit of (almost any of) the recent turning tide in public opinion. If they were the same age, we’d all be praising their courage and they’d get an outpouring of love and righteous outrage on their behalf from millions of strangers. Instead, this guy’s life is totally messed up, maybe for a long time or forever, and all he gets is, “… Ew.” That’s what real courage looks like. Posted by houseoftrash on September 11, 2012 at 6:22 AM 55 I have a couple thoughts here, and my opinion has changed from the initial visceral reaction to this article upon reading down all the comments. I’m a straight Mom with 4 sons, the two oldest are 17 and 21, and even the difference between 17 and 21, in maturity, is vast. My 17 year old often forgets to bring a pencil to school, is very impetuous, and well, 17. I wonder really, what a 65 year old sees in an 18 year old, yes, it’s legal, but is it really that interesting for this older gentleman? I expect a certain level of maturity from a man who is 65 that I don’t expect from an 18 year old. He had a responsibility to act responsible, especially knowing the kid was still closeted, even to his own family. When the young man started acting reckless, he should have left that press box to protect him from the consequences. At 65, the older man knew full well the consequences and the history of homophobia and has likely suffered many similar consequences over his 65 years. Recklessness from a teenager is far more acceptable than recklessness from a 65 year old man. I have no issue with May/December relationships, except the Decembers need to realize that their Mays are so very young and often lack the experience and judgement they’ve gained from living so much longer, and take extra care. I am not saying they need to patronize or treat them like children, but they do need to be more protective and responsible. I am as uncomfortable though, seeing gay men judging this relationship of vast age differentials and comparing it to pedophilia as I am when I hear straight people comparing gay relationships to pedophilia or seeing them as somehow lesser or more perverse. The fact is, there simply is not enough information in this article about the relationship, when it started, how it came to be, what they get or need from each other, for any of us to adequately judge it’s merits. What we do know though, is an 18 year old kissed his boyfriend publicly, and the coach, because of probable homophobia, punished him far too harshly. THAT should be the focus, not age, recklessness of either party, or anything else. Would this coach kick someone else off the team for lying about anything else? Doubtful, as evidenced by what the other player stated about other violations of conduct of other players. Drinking parties, things like this, are actually violations of state laws, but kissing a gay partner, when both parties are legal, consenting adults, even if a play was missed in filming, was certainly not grounds to dismiss this player off the team entirely. Why did the kid feel compelled to lie? Well, probably because he’s aware of the homophobia of the coach and fellow players. Why not save the judgement for the perpetrators or the injustice and not the victims of injustice? As a mother, would I be creeped out if one of my sons brought home a gay partner? Absolutely not, because I am fine with LGBT people and see your relationships as no different or lesser than my own marriage with my husband. Would I be concerned though, if one of my sons brought home a male or female who was 65 when they were only 18? Yes, absolutely I would, and I would hold that older man/woman’s feet to the fire and make sure he knew the immaturity level and responsibility he/she has being with someone so much younger and more emotionally and mentally vulnerable. If my child was happy though, and I could see good, positive things coming from ANY relationship, I would welcome it with open arms. Is Kuntz really happy with this man? If he is; then I’m very happy for them. Is this coach homophobic and did he kick a kid off the team because he is gay? That’s the question that needs to be explored, and if yes, that is who needs to be judged, and perhaps legal action needs to be taken. No kiss should ever ruin anyone’s life. More… Posted by JenniTidd on September 11, 2012 at 7:34 AM 56 @53 I suspect that a lot of the “ew” and indignation comes from plain, old fashioned jealousy. I think Jamie is gorgeous and I certainly envy his boyfriend, but not to the point of attacking him. Posted by Mudkips on September 11, 2012 at 7:51 AM 57 There are scholarships available for LGBT youth. He should look into them. Posted by Pope Peabrain on September 11, 2012 at 7:52 AM 58 I would argue the campsite rule is null and void due to outside homophobic influence. And who would think that a kiss would destroy someone’s life? I sure wouldn’t. Homophobia trumps the campsite rule. Posted by brandon on September 11, 2012 at 9:43 AM 59 I’m gay but a 18 year old getting it on with a 65 year old geezer? That’s just fucking gross! And they are right, when people see that piece of information they won’t care about this at all. This young man needs a therapy if he is attracted to geriatrics. The whole notion grosses me out. Posted by Mattyx on September 11, 2012 at 9:48 AM 60 @59 I’m pretty sure that your preferences don’t dictate whether or not someone “needs a therapy” just because they aren’t the same. I’m also pretty sure people in relationships that you don’t approve of don’t really care if it “grosses you out” because they don’t need your approval to do what they want. Just a thought =) Posted by Mudkips on September 11, 2012 at 10:02 AM 61 Well here is something to think on homophobia is a form of discrimination. i thought this country had discrimination taken care of. the person or people that need to be under scrutiny are the ones at the college. Im a car mechanic, it does not matter what profession or what you do to earn your education. this is a country of EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL not just some . Posted by paul g on September 11, 2012 at 10:20 AM 62 FWIW Dan, I liked the article and wasn’t reacting to anything you said. I support the idea of responsibility, campsite rule, etc. and holding someone to that isn’t in any way like saying “Ew” or whatever. Or drawing any parallels to Sandusky, for example. But now that what went down went down, I do think it’s an interesting test for people to think *honestly* about why they react to stories like this the way they do, and whether that says anything about what freedom and rights really mean to them. (like @55 did – fantastic). And that it isn’t always as easy or clear-cut as we might like it to be. @59, nice try – but pretty realistic, so I’m glad for the troll Posted by houseoftrash on September 11, 2012 at 10:32 AM 63 Wow, for a bunch of gay guys, you are really intolerant. I have a number of gay friends who are attracted to significantly older men. They weren’t seduced or tricked into having relationships…they actively pursued these men (once they reached 18 years old) because they find older men attractive and younger men (like Mattvx) “fucking gross” and stupid to boot (again, like Mattvx). So what you are saying to these guys are, “We don’t care what YOU want. We think it’s icky and gross. Stay celebate until you are 30 and THEN you can pursue who you are attracted to.” Posted by guitarcub on September 11, 2012 at 10:38 AM 64 @59: thanks for confirming the stereotype. Intelligent, brave warriors for equality are fighting for the rights of the likes of … ignorant prejudiced airhead clones like you. If I sound belligerent, look first to those who cast the first stone: @59 et. al. who barge in and piss all over gay relationships with big age gaps – like MY OWN stable, legalized, loving and hot relationship. You know what, @59, YOU are gross. Posted by ravished on September 11, 2012 at 10:46 AM 65 What a bunch of intolerant fucks…I have a number of gay friends who are attracted to significantly older men. They were not stalked, coerced, or tricked into relationships. They actively seeked them out. They are not attacted to “bois” (like ’59’ Mattvx) who don’t have a brain in their heads (again, like ’59’ Mattvx). So the question comes down to this: Does “age of consent” actually MEAN anything in this country? Posted by guitarcub on September 11, 2012 at 10:50 AM 66 One last thought – we know nothing about the older guy, what his history is, how well-equipped he was to make a wise decision in this situation regardless of age, how well he was able to assess this social world compared to the younger guy whose world it actually was, or if he’s even ever had a boyfriend at all. I hope for his sake that we continue to know nothing. Nobody so far has even wondered what could the consequences for him could be because of all this. (I know this is a bit of a reach in this conversation, but still). Probably nobody would even care. How much would people be willing to say he deserved or had coming to him because of this? Posted by houseoftrash on September 11, 2012 at 10:55 AM 67 STOP blaming the victim. Stop trying to figure out if the young one or the old one is responsible, or should have been more sensible, or should have known better. It is as lurid and pointless and stupid as figuring out if a rape victim somehow induced the crime. The wrong here is the HOMOPHOBIA. That is all! Posted by ravished on September 11, 2012 at 11:00 AM 68 Ok so… I believe that we shouldn’t be judging this relationship, no matter the age difference. True: it’s hard to spin a story about an 18-year-old cutie pie kissing his possibly not-so-cute boyfriend who is, of course, 47 years older than he is. We shouldn’t be saying things like “he should’ve thought about the young boy’s future” because, to him, his boyfriend isn’t a “young boy”, he’s his equal (or at least I hope that’s how he views his romantic partner). Additionally, it seems like to me many people have this idea that the younger party is the one most likely to be manipulated by their older partner when it’s possible that a younger man is completely capable of being just as vindictive and manipulative as an older man. For instance, while an older man can play on the naivete and inexperience of his younger partner, the younger partner can also play on the desire to be desirable from their older partner. Of course, I don’t want to make assumptions about another person’s relationship simply because it’s not the kind of relationship I engage in. I have friends who are involved in what can be described as “unhealthy” relationships by the popular consensus, i.e. slave-master, BDSM, polyamory, polygamy, pan-romantic, trans-romantic, inter-romantic, etc. etc., and I’ve found that even though I’m not into it that doesn’t stop me from being happy for my friends who have found what they have been searching for. Intergenerational relationships exist and just because they make us uncomfortable and just because they’re not as “useful” as the romantic relationships we construct as “normal” in terms of winning over audiences and voters in this upcoming and extremely important election (Washington, which is where Dan Savage and I live, is going to vote whether or not to pass marriage equality in the state), we cannot judge them. We cannot pretend that they aren’t the same as other relationships because they are. People must be encouraged to pursue romantic entanglements that make them feel satisfied and happy, despite what is viewed as normal – especially in a day and age where the long-traditional perception of “normal” relationships is being shifted to the public eye. Love is love and we need to recognize that. Yes, I will admit that a 65 year old man and a 18 year old man (yes, they are both LEGAL adults) kissing may not be as “cute” a story as well as have that positive spin that makes it a story worth fighting for in the eyes of the press, but I will not pass judgment, make assumptions, or state that their relationship is less valid than mine. Additionally, I will NOT relate this relationship to the “Sandusky Trial” considering that the people involved are both legal, consenting adults and it is not a crime nor even a misdemeanor to want to kiss your boyfriend. More… Posted by Connor_Mykel on September 11, 2012 at 11:03 AM 69 @67, much better said. Posted by houseoftrash on September 11, 2012 at 11:07 AM 70 Its exactly the humanness of this episode that makes it important. The “Ewww” factor for some should trigger the question “what is the principle here?” Its that he can love who he wants at his age and he got booted off a team for a kiss. Lying in such a circumstance – never ideal or fully rationalizable – is actually a natural response given he accurately predicted the consequences. Whether he has other issues you want to suspect him of matters not to the principle. Keep it simple. Its homophobia that got him kicked off the team. Ideal case or not, its perfectly human and pure discrimination. Posted by RobSFNYC on September 11, 2012 at 11:07 AM 71 @69: sorry, i liked the way you picked apart the issues. Just having a pissed off day hence the caps and exclamation marks. Posted by ravished on September 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM 72 The North Dakota State College of Science is an equal opportunity employer and equal opportunity educator. NDSCS is fully committed to equal opportunity in employment decisions and educational programs and activities, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, for all individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation or status with regard to marriage or public assistance. ummmmmmmm….me thinks the coach is violating the school’s anti-discrimination policy. Posted by jamie_m on September 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM 73 I can’t believe that some of you (including the reporter!?) put some blame of this in the older boyfriend. This is not at all a question of age or that it was “unsmart” of them to kiss. It’s only a question of homophobia. If we want to break down these barriers between being gay and playing sports you have to let people do these things. You can’t really say that you want it to be accepted everywhere and then say that they should have given it more thought. Come on people. Posted by Swede on September 11, 2012 at 11:34 AM 74 I’m sure Kuntz knew what would happen if he admitted that he was kissing his boyfriend. After all, homophobia this blatant usually has other telltale signs. Under the circumstances, I can’t blame him for lying. Also, if this had been a woman (especially an older woman), he would have been given a “boys will be boys” chuckle, a slap on the wrist, and been allowed to continue playing. Posted by taephoenix on September 11, 2012 at 12:57 PM 76 North Dakota is a surprisingly tolerant state. Sure, there are the standard bigots found in every bunch, but I think with the size of the overall population compared to the anti-gay and vocal-about-it few, it’s not a bad situation. What IS bad, however, is that state law has not yet caught up to public sentiment. This is perfectly outlined in this post:… Like the article says, the incidents where the “excuse” of state law is used for outright discrimination are pretty few and far between, but it’s still there in the records. For the time being. Posted by 0wl on September 11, 2012 at 3:33 PM 77 Its exactly the humanness of this episode that makes it important. The “Ewww” factor for some should trigger the question “what is the principle here?” Its that he can love who he wants at his age and he got booted off a team for a kiss. Lying in such a circumstance – never ideal or fully rationalizable – is actually a natural response given he accurately predicted the consequences. Whether he has other issues you want to suspect him of matters not to the principle. Keep it simple. Its homophobia that got him kicked off the team. Ideal case or not, its perfectly human and pure discrimination. Posted by RobSFNYC on September 11, 2012 at 5:20 PM 78 The sporting world does not seem ready for us…I tried and thought my career was secure…not so much. Maybe in the future there will be some kind of real support system. Posted by zracre on September 11, 2012 at 5:24 PM 79 @ 59: The satire is pitch perfect. I fell for it at first. Oh, look how far we have come, folks, when young gay men can say the same things we still hear about … young gay men. @73: A 65 year old should understand that PDAs will out an 18 year old. If the 18 year old is not ready to be out, don’t out him by ignoring that fact. And DON’T make a political statement using the 18 year old without his permission. (Heck, don’t do it then, because the world already is too eager to use the lives of gullible young men to adress the political preferences of old people.) Posted by Snowguy on September 11, 2012 at 6:19 PM 80 This American culture (as well as many others, but I’m an American) worships the fantasy of being forever young, of youthful beauty expressed in A&F ad programs, of age being ugly and useless as if humans were planned obsolescence machines to be discarded. The fact that ageism should enter the conversation about an 18-year-old man who proclaims that he was in pursuit of this older boyfriend shows just what unexamined lives so many people live. As to the gay community in particular, the “dirty old” men so many of you feel to see only as “too old” shows how little you know about how much many of your elders have done for you and your civil rights, your medical health and the heightened prestige worldwide that homosexuality now holds. So, continue to believe that you have no regressive traits in pursuit of outdate idolatry, buy you are severely mistaken and as prejudiced as the homophobes who want to end this young gay guy’s football career prematurely because he merely kissed someone he loves. Posted by RomanFingers on September 11, 2012 at 6:35 PM 81 Age/2 + 7 rule (or close enough to it). Sorry, but you can’t convince me there isn’t a power dynamic issue with the age difference. Homophobia could have easily played a part, but the age gap is much more likely to be the issue. Posted by ravewulf on September 11, 2012 at 8:40 PM 82 Sorry, Dan. I still think your full of shit. Your initial reaction was totally unfair. It sounds from the description like it wasn’t full on making out but just a kiss. That hardly seems “reckless,” especially if they were convinced that no one else could see them, which it seems like they very obviously (and mistakenly) were. Automatically blaming the older man for ruining the younger man’s college career seems to me like you’ve already stacked the deck against the older guy. Admit it. You view any 65 year old that would date someone that young with suspicion. And this suspicion, whether you want it to or not, causes you to judge them more negatively than you would someone else. I’m a gay gerontophile. I’m now 36, but have always been attracted to men over 55. It was very hard when I was 18. Being gay was hard enough, but then even my gay friends didn’t understand my attraction. They assumed I’d been abused, or had daddy issues or was looking for financial support. And on top of all the other shit I had to put up with, I had to deal with constantly being told that any older guy who would date me or have sex with me was a freak, a loser or a predator. It was rough. I met, dated and had sex with a few men in their 60s when I was 18. Some of them were jerks, but most of them were very sweet and caring. Kind of like the same experience that every actively dating 18 year old has. I’m sure Jamie appreciates your support, and he does not sound like one to make a big issue out of something he didn’t like in your column. But I also applaud him for sticking up for his boyfriend. You weren’t there, Dan. You don’t know what went down or how. Perhaps his boyfriend was being a selfish, reckless jerk and didn’t care about the consequences that Jamie might suffer. Or perhaps he was just stealing a kiss with someone he loved. I know for a fact, Dan, that if Jamie’s boyfriend was 19 instead of 65, you would not dream of blaming the boyfriend for the incident. You would blame the coach, the school, society, but not the boyfriend. Perhaps Jamie’s boyfriend showing up to the football game at all was not the best idea. But vilifying someone because they did not remain sufficiently closeted so as not to be the victim of someone else’s homphobia seems like something the religious right would do. If two gay teens were at a high school dance and beaten up after being seen kissing, would you blame the gays for kissing? Would you say they should have known better? What if they were two 65 year old gay teachers at the dance who stole a kiss and were then beaten up? Would you blame them? More… Posted by mshawn on September 11, 2012 at 10:01 PM 84 @82 There it is. That’s what I’m like. I went through life without the ability to even *see* guys my age. If they didn’t have wrinkles, a bald head, white hair – my heart was blind to them. My husband and I used to laugh about how we would go to a gay night club and on the way home talk about who was “cute”. He’d mention some young guy and be in dismay that the guy hadn’t even registered on my brain. I’d do the some thing with him, mention how some silver-haired guy gave me a look. My husband wouldn’t have the foggiest idea who I was talking about. See? We were made for each other. We both like each other because of our ages. We both got what we wanted, and he turned out to be a hell of a good friend and partner to me and parent to my daughter. He’s never treated me any other way than as an equal and I’m so grateful for that after seeing all of the self-absorbed older guys online advertising themselves as a “mentor” who wants a playmate to boss around rather than an adult to build a life with. Posted by milemarker on September 11, 2012 at 11:39 PM 85 I’m disappointed that Dan Savage placed any blame on the older boyfriend. “It’s hard to feel anything but anger for Kuntz’s boyfriend. The elder man’s reckless disregard for his Kuntz’s future, to say nothing of Kuntz’s physical safety, is much harder to excuse.” –DS Actually, I don’t feel any anger toward him at all. I wasn’t there. I didn’t see what happened. And according to the information given, all they did was kiss. That’s “reckless disregard for his Kuntz’s future”? They were in a press box, and it’s possible that they both had some expectation of privacy, and even though they were seen, if they had that expectation it might have been reasonable. And the idea that Kuntz is this poor, dithering teenager who is a slave to his impulses and the older man should be held to some kind of rediculously high standard of maturity… Come on. Kuntz is 18, and in our country you are considered an adult at that age. Yeah, some 18-year-olds aren’t very mature, relatively speaking, but if they’re old enough to decide if they want to go to war, then they’re old enough to decide who they want to kiss and where. As for older adults always acting responsibly, I seem to recall a certain someone who founded this really great anti-bullying campaign and then went out in front of a group of UNDERAGE teenagers and called some of them names and used language that many would find offensive. Mr. Savage, you didn’t exactly look like the adult in that situation even though you were the much older one, but I didn’t get angry. I know we all have our breaking points. I’m an older man, and I’ve never been with anyone significantly younger or older than myself, but I still notice the young guys. This past summer I found out who Tom Daley is, the English diver from the Olympics. Wow! If he wanted to kiss me, I’m not sure I could manage to pull off being the “responsible adult”, even if we were in a redneck bar in Mississippi. We older guys, we have our impulses, too. (I’m pretty sure Tom would never be interested, so I think I’m safe.) When you’re an adult, you get to decide how you’re going to live your life. You get to decide who you’re going to date, who you’re going to kiss, have sex with, etc. That’s what being an adult means. It doesn’t matter if what you do makes others unconfortable or if others don’t understand or approve. If it’s legal, it’s legal. Getting kicked off of a football team seems really harsh under the circumstances presented to us here, and I don’t think it should matter one bit how old the boyfriend is. I doubt Kuntz would have gotten the boot if he had been seen kissing a woman of any age and then lying about it. That’s the story. And that’s what we should be talking about. I don’t think Dan Savage shold have wrote about this story in a way that lent any credence whatsoever to the idea that the wrong done to this man is somehow less significant because of the age of the person he was kissing. I also found some of the comments here disappointing, too. What does disapproving of the age difference have to do with anything? Even if the younger man was being taken advantage of by the older man, even if the older man was some reckless ass who didn’t give a damn about anybody but himself, how does kicking the younger man off the team help him? How does gossiping, and moralizing about May-December romances and psychoanalyzing the older boyfriend help this young man who was kicked off of his football team for kissing someone in a press box? More… Posted by snogger on September 12, 2012 at 1:12 AM 86 Here’s what is now the headline of all the articles out there about this: “Gay North Dakota college football player says kiss got him booted.” Not, “College football player booted because of gay kiss.” He *was* booted because of a gay kiss. He isn’t “saying” that – that’s what actually did happen. But, I guess it doesn’t matter – that’s gonna be the headline now Posted by houseoftrash on September 12, 2012 at 2:04 AM 87 This is a tiny consolation for this dude who just got booted from college: it’s a college that decided to try to use “whom”, but couldn’t get it right. GRAMMER IZ HORD. (Details: “…I confronted you about whom [!] else was in the box with you”. Yes, the whole relative clause “who/whom was in the box with you” is the object of the preposition “about”. But inside the relative clause, the “who/whom” is the subject of “___ was in the box with you”. And “who”-vs-“whom” is determined only by its role in the relative clause… for anyone dumb enough to try using “whom”. A simplified version of their error: “I know whom was there.” The technical term is “a free relative clause”– and that and a buh fiddy will get ya on the bus!) Ugh. A school of bigoted weasels who can’t write. Also: be nice to the kid, HE HAD A CONCUSSION. Posted by Ogonek on September 12, 2012 at 5:35 AM Add a comment Your comments In an effort to keep the discourse respectful and on topic, commenting on this item is available only to registered commenters. 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Trump Won’t Commit to Accepting Election Results if He Doesn’t Win State He Falsely Claims He Won



Falsely claiming he won the state of Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election Donald Trump is now refusing to commit to accepting the 2024 results for the Badger State this November.

In an interview with Wisconsin’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Trump appeared to dance around the issue, declaring he would only accept the official results “if everything’s honest.”

“If everything’s honest, I’d gladly accept the results,” Trump told the paper’s Alison Dirr and Molly Beck in an interview Wednesday. “If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.”

“But if everything’s honest, which we anticipate it will be — a lot of changes have been made over the last few years — but if everything’s honest, I will absolutely accept the results,” he said.

The Journal Sentinel reports Trump “offered similar conditions when asked the same question by news outlets in 2016 and 2020.”

READ MORE: ‘No Place for Antisemitism’: Biden Denounces Violent Campus Protests, Hate Speech and Racism

“I’d be doing a disservice to the country if I said otherwise,” he said.

In that interview Trump once again falsely claimed he won Wisconsin in 2020, a state President Joe Biden actually won by more than 20,000 votes.

“If you go back and look at all of the things that had been found out, it showed that I won the election in Wisconsin,” Trump told the newspaper. “It also showed I won the election in other locations.”

Trump’s “Big Lie,” that the 2020 election was “rigged” against him, along with his support for the January 6, 2021 insurrection, have been central to his 2024 campaign.

“Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the last presidential election in Wisconsin and his new comments placing conditions on when he would accept the results of the next election come as Republicans are seeking to persuade GOP voters to restore their trust in the state’s system of elections and embrace absentee voting,” the Journal Sentinel reported. “There’s no evidence to support that Wisconsin’s election was tainted by cheating or fraud in 2020. The results have been confirmed by recounts in Dane and Milwaukee counties that Trump paid for, court rulings, a nonpartisan state audit and a study by the conservative legal firm Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty, among other analyses.”

READ MORE: Noem Insists 14 Month Old Dog She Shot Was ‘Not a Puppy’ Sparking New Backlash

In October of 2016, weeks before Election Day, during the final presidential debate, Trump was asked if he would make the commitment “that you will absolutely accept the results of this election?”

“I will look at it at the time,” Trump replied. “I’m not looking at anything now, I’ll look at it at the time.”

He then went on to sow doubt about the credibility of the election.

Trump’s refusal to accept election results stretches back more than a decade, even before he ran for president.

After he refused to accept his loss in 2020, ABC News reported “Trump has longstanding history of calling elections ‘rigged’ if he doesn’t like the results.”

“On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the election was a ‘total sham’ and a ‘travesty,’ while also making the claim that the United States is ‘not a democracy’ after Obama secured his victory.

“We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!” Trump wrote on Twitter

One month later, in December of 2012, Trump tweeted, “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.” Ironically, four years later he became president after losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, but winning the Electoral College.

Watch the video above or at this link.

READ MORE: ‘Antisemitism Is Wrong, But’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Pilloried for Promoting Antisemitic Claim

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‘No Place for Antisemitism’: Biden Denounces Violent Campus Protests, Hate Speech and Racism



President Joe Biden made rare, unscheduled remarks from the White House Thursday morning, denouncing the recent violent protests on college campuses, and telling Americans there is “no place” for antisemitism anywhere across the nation. He also denounced “hate speech” and “racism,” while declaring his support for the right to peacefully protest.

“There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students,” President Biden declared. “There is no place for hate speech, or violence of any kind, whether it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. It’s simply wrong. There’s no place for racism in America. It’s all wrong. It’s un-American.”

“Violent protest is not protected,” Biden said strongly. “Peaceful protest is.”

Stressing “the right to free speech,” and the people’s right “to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard,” President Biden also declared the importance of “the rule of law.”

READ MORE: Noem Insists 14 Month Old Dog She Shot Was ‘Not a Puppy’ Sparking New Backlash

“We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent,” the President also said, praising the ideal of peaceful protests, which he said are in the “best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues.”

“But,” he added, “neither are we a lawless country. We are a civil society and order must prevail.”

America is a “big, diverse, free thinking and freedom-loving nation,” Biden said, denouncing those “who rush in to score political points.”

“This isn’t a moment for politics, it’s a moment for clarity.”

“It’s against the law when violence occurs. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. None of this is a peaceful protest,” he warned. “Threatening people, intimidating people. instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. Dissent is essential to democracy but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish a semester and their college education.”

READ MORE: ‘Antisemitism Is Wrong, But’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Pilloried for Promoting Antisemitic Claim

“Look. It’s basically a matter of fairness. It’s a matter of what’s right. There’s the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked.”

“I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions in America. We respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence. Without destruction, without hate, and within the law. And I’ll make no mistake. As President, I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong standing up for the rule of law. That’s my responsibility to you the American people. My obligation to the Constitution.”

The President also responded to reporters’ questions, including saying he saw no need to call up the National Guard.

Watch the videos above or at this link.

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Noem Insists 14 Month Old Dog She Shot Was ‘Not a Puppy’ Sparking New Backlash



Embattled South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem, under fire the past week after an excerpt from her new book revealed her boasting about shooting to death her 14-month old puppy she “hated,” has repeatedly defended her actions as proof she can do hard things that need to be done.

Governor Noem, who has been considered a leading contender to become Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, appeared on Fox News Wednesday night and blamed the “fake news” for publishing excerpts from her book, which she has not claimed were inaccurate.

She also insisted the 14-month old wirehaired pointer named Cricket was “not a puppy,” appearing to suggest that made the killing justified, as she again promoted her book so Americans can “find out the truth.”

“Well, Sean, you know how the fake news works,” Noem told Hannity (video below). “They leave out some or most of the facts of a story. They put the worst spin on it, and that’s what’s happened in this case. I hope people really do buy this book and they find out the truth of this story, because the truth of this story is that this was a working dog, and it was not a puppy. It was a dog that was extremely dangerous. It had come to us from a family who found her way too aggressive. We were her second chance and she was, the day she was put down was a day that she massacred livestock that were a part of our neighbors, she attacked me and it was a hard decision.”

READ MORE: ‘Antisemitism Is Wrong, But’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Pilloried for Promoting Antisemitic Claim

“The reason it’s in the book is because this book is filled with tough, challenging decisions that I’ve had to make throughout my life,” she added.

Noem’s dog shooting, which she recently said took place 20 years ago, has been strongly criticized by the left and right.

Earlier this week two people close to Donald Trump, his former Senior White House Counselor Steve Bannon, and his son, Donald Trump Jr., “questioned Noem’s judgement Monday on Donald Trump Jr.’s show ‘Triggered,'” USA Today reported, noting also that “both men laughed” about it.

“Bannon called Noem ‘a little too based,’ using a slang term popular on the right to describe someone who, among other qualities, speaks and acts without fear of being politically correct, and Trump Jr. said shooting the dog ‘was not ideal.'”

The Guardian, which broke the news of Noem’s dog shooting last week, reported Tuesday “apparently even [ex-president Donald] Trump sees the bad optics in having a ‘puppy killer’ as a running mate.”

RELATED: ‘Let’s Get a Warrant for Her Backyard’: Noem ‘Done Politically’ Right Wing Pundits Say

Meanwhile, criticism, which had been subsiding over the past few days, returned after Noem’s remarks on Fox News.

“She honestly think boasting about killing a dog who was too happy makes her tough,” observed former Lincoln Project executive director Fred Wellman. “I have served with women in combat. They endured horrible conditions. Got blown up. They were tough. Her two examples of tough are killing animals and keeping her state open as hundreds of thousands died. That’s not tough. That’s psycho.”

Calling Noem “broken,” former Republican and former U.S. Congressman Denver Riggleman said: “She wrote the book. She allowed those words to be published. Her ghost writer seems to have despised her. Exposed her. And Kristi liked it… thought it was ‘cool’.”

Democratic U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr., responding to video of Noem on Fox News, commented: “Here’s donald trump’s leading contender to be vice president defending her butchering a puppy and hawking her crummy book on rightwing propaganda tv. This is the republican party.”

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Evan Gold offered this criticism:

Jared Ryan Sears, who writes “The Pragmatic Humanist” at Substack, said, “Yes, the issue is the debate on whether or not a 14 month old dog should be called a puppy and not the fact that you murdered it because you refused to train it and could not think of any other possible solution than shooting a young dog in a gravel pit.”

“Keep hawking that book,” he added.

Watch Noem’s remarks below or at this link.

RELATED: Noem Defends Shooting Her 14-Month Old Puppy to Death, Brags She Has Media ‘Gasping’

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