Avoiding Protests? DeSantis Deviates From Usual Media Efforts Ahead of Expected ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Signing

Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to sign the dangerous and possibly unconstitutional “Don’t Say Gay” bill at a hushed-up event early Monday afternoon. The Governor is also deviating from his usual media notification efforts, some thnk in an effort to quelch expected protests.

WFLA’s political anchor and reporter Evan Donovan says no email has been received about the event, just a phone call:

Florida Politics publisher Peter Schorsch reports he received an email 48 minutes before press is expected to show up:

“I really could see the signing being scrubbed if there is enough time to organize protests,” Schorsch surmises.

EARLIER: DeSantis Expected to Sign ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill at Florida Taxpayer-Funded Charter School That Has Two Anti-LGBTQ Clubs

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