Watch: Lauren Boebert Accuses Ilhan Omar of ‘Cancel Culture 101’ and Again Falsely Suggests She’s a Terrorist

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar says she decided to accept a call from Congresswoman Lauren Boebert on Monday, believing it would be an apology for calling her a terrorist but instead the Minnesota Democratic lawmaker says she was once again subjected to “Islamophobic rhetoric” and decided to “end” the call. The GOP Congresswoman from Colorado is calling that “cancel culture” and demanding Omar apologize for what she says is “anti-American, antisemitic, anti-police” rhetoric.

“Instead of apologizing for her Islamophobic comments and fabricated lies,” Omar said in a statement, “Rep. Boebert refused to publicly acknowledge her hurtful and dangerous comments. She instead doubled down on her rhetoric and I decided to end the unproductive call.”

Boebert took to Instagram where she posted a video (below) that appeared to joke about her conversation with Omar while once again calling her a terrorist. Last week she had compared Omar to a terrorist in what appears to have been a lie about seeing Omar in an elevator, remarks she made to supporters last week as if she were doing a standup routine.

Calling herself a “strong Christian woman,” Boebert questionably claimed, “I never want anything I say to offend someone’s religion.”

Boebert complained that Omar “said that she still wanted a public apology. Because what I had done wasn’t good enough. So I reiterated to her what I had just said, she kept asking for a public apology. So I told Ilhan Omar that she should make a public apology to the American people for her anti-American, antisemitic, anti-police rhetoric. She continued to press and I continued to press back, and then representative Omar hung up on me.”

Boebert called hanging up on her that “cancel culture 101 and a pillar of the Democrat Party.”

She also falsely claimed her attack on Omar is “about the horrible failed Democrat policies and anti-Americanism that I will call out each and every time I hear it.”

And Boebert also once again appeared to suggest Omar is a terrorist, or a terrorist sympathizer.

“Make no mistake, I will continue to fearlessly put America first, never sympathizing with terrorists. Unfortunately, Ilhan can’t say the same thing.”


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