‘Well Informed Scholar’ Madison Cawthorn Mocked After Calling for Parents to Pull Kids Out of Public Schools

U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn is calling for parents to “start pulling their children out of public schools.” The North Carolina far right Republican who has aligned himself with pro-QAnon and “Sedition Caucus” lawmakers did not specify why, but he himself was homeschooled. Cawthorn nearly flunked out of his first semester of college, exiting the school with a “D” average.

His remarks may be an attempt to tap into the manufactured anger conservatives are expressing– anger ginned up by false reports from right wing media about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s memo which actually calls for “discussions” with state, local, and Tribal leaders on how to respond to the massive spike in threats, racist threats, and death threats against school board officials and educators.

He posted this disinformation tweet several days ago:

Cawthorn, who serves on the House Committee on Education and Labor, has been accused in writing of “sexually predatory behavior” by a group of ten of his college classmates. That letter was ultimately signed by 150 students or former students.

Many are expressing anger and mocking the GOP lawmaker:


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