‘Superman Loves Louis Lane’: Trump-Loving Lawmaker Tweets Hilarious Typo in Anger Over New Bisexual Comic Book Storyline

It’s official. There will be a bisexual Superman. And just as quickly as the news was announced homophobic conservatives went into overdrive.

The Superman is not Clark Kent but his son, Jonathan Kent, whose mother is Lois Lane, not Louis Lane, for those keeping track.

The New York Times reports Jonathan “will soon begin a romantic relationship with a male friend, DC Comics announced Monday.” The reporter posted a “photo” of the new couple:

Meanwhile, Arizona Republican state Senator Wendy Rogers was apparently so triggered she tweeted, “Superman loves Louis Lane. Period. Hollywood is trying to make Superman gay and he is not.”

Her tweet also relied on a bigoted and homophobic lisp “joke,” saying, “Just rename the whole version Thooperman.”

Senator Rogers is a freshman lawmaker who was elected last year after running for office in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018, before finally winning in 2020.

She was far from the only right winger (her bio reads: “Conservative America First Pro-Trump Republican,” and “Air Force pilot, biz entrepreneur, homeschool mom. #MAGA“) who is outraged, but she is getting mocked the most for it.


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Categories: HOMOPHOBIA