GOP AG Running to Unseat Mark Kelly Is Suing Biden Over Vaccines, Using Lawsuit to Advance Campaign, Admits It’s ‘A Long Shot’

The far right wing Republican Attorney General of Arizona is suing the Biden administration over the President’s policy requiring businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure they are vaccinated or produce weekly negative tests. He admits his lawsuit is “a long shot.”

But that’s not stopping Attorney General Mark Brnovich, an anti-LGBTQ extremist and former federal prosecutor trained to only bring cases he knows have a chance of succeeding.

Brnovich is running to unseat Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Kelly in the 2022 election.

“Is it a long shot? Yeah, I recognize that,” Brnovich told Bloomberg News. “But I also think these are very important principles to be fighting for.”

Bloomberg notes that “other Republican attorneys general signaled that they’d wait until” OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, published the actual rules “before going to court.”

Brnovich is using the lawsuit, and his appearance on far right extremist Mark Levin’s radio show this week, to advance his campaign, as this YouTube video, “paid for by Brnovich for Senate” shows.

Brnovich, whose campaign website lists “SECURING OUR BORDERS & COMMUNITIES” as his top issue, “said his suit claims that Biden’s executive order violates the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause because the vaccine is optional for undocumented immigrants at the U.S. border while being mandatory for American workers.”

Brnovich has a long history of using the legal system to advance his agenda.

In 2015 as the attorney general he signed an amicus brief arguing against same-sex marriage in the Supreme Court Obergefell case, which ultimately found a constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples.

That brief argued that the right of a state’s citizens to “exercise their sovereign authority to determine the meaning of marriage” was more important than the right of couples to marry.

Brnovich used his power as attorney general to order Arizona’s Department of Child Safety to ban same-sex couples from adopting – a move so extreme the state’s Republican governor overruled him.

Having lost on imposing his extremist agenda against marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples, Brnovich moved to support the “right” of businesses to discriminate against Arizona’s LGBTQ residents.

He also sued the Obama administration over its policies supporting the rights of transgender students, calling them a “gun to the head” of the nation’s school systems.


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