Republicans Demanding Biden’s Resignation Are ‘Terrorist Sympathizers’: Former Clinton White House Press Secretary

Former Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart says the Republicans calling for President Joe Biden’s resignation in the wake of Thursday’s terror attack are “terrorist sympathizers.”

Immediately after ISIS-K launched the twin terror attacks slaughtering 13 U.S. service members and dozens of Afghan civilians Republican lawmakers began calling for President Joe Biden’s resignation.

Senator Josh Hawley, whose infamous fist pumping up to the sky leading insurrectionists on January 6 will forever be remembered:

Senator Marsha Blackburn, whose Twitter account daily posts baseless extremist attacks on Democrats:

Rep. Lauren Bobert:

Those are just three of dozens of demands from GOP lawmakers, not to mention Republican congressional candidates, demanding the resignation of the Commander-in-Chief.

Lockhart, who was Press Secretary during Clinton’s Camp David Summit that attempted to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, as well as during Clinton’s impeachment, offered strong pushback and an invaluable lesson to all those demanding Biden resign.

“The object of terrorists is to strike fear into enemies and undermine their ability to govern. Their only tool is terror and violence. So to all calling on the President to resign, a terrorist dream, you have officially joined the movement as a terror sympathizer,” he wrote on Twitter.

He adds:


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