MAGA Cult Member Leaves Homophobic, Racist, Profanity-Laden Voicemail for DC Police Officer as He Testified

While D.C. Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone was fighting to protect the lives of members of Congress, the U.S. Capitol, and democracy itself on January 6, he suffered a heart attack, was beaten with as flag pole, was tasered, and lost consciousness as the pro-Trump insurrectionists threatened to “kill him with his own gun.”

While Officer Fanone was testifying before the U.S. House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on Tuesday, he suffered yet another attack: via voicemail.

A MAGA cult member spewed homophobic, racist, disgusting profanities and lies for one minute into Fanone’s voicemail. Some of the lies sound plucked straight out of Fox News and other far right wing media outlets. In fact, at one point the anonymous caller says, “you want an Emmy, an Oscar, what are you trying to go for?” Tuesday night, after the voicemail was left, Fox News’ Laura Ingraham ran a segment giving the four officers who testified “awards.”

Fanone shared the audio with CNN Tuesday night. NCRM will not provide a transcript, and we warn the language is both offensive and may be triggering.


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