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US Government Says New Report Finds No Evidence UFOs Seen by Military Personnel Are Alien Spacecraft



Over the past two decades U.S. military personnel have reported seeing what are commonly referred to as UFO’s – unidentified flying objects – but a new federal government report will say that there is no evidence these are alien spacecraft.

The New York Times Thursday night reports the U.S. Government will release its findings on or around June 25, after investigating 120 reports of UFOs seen by Navy pilots across the span of 20 years.

And while the government says it has found no evidence the objects are alien spacecraft, it fully admits it has no idea what the UFOs are.

“The report determines that the vast majority of more than 120 incidents,” The Times reveals, “did not originate from any American military or other advanced U.S. government technology, the officials said. That determination would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft might have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.”

The Times adds that “that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said.”

The Government’s report “will present few other firm conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomenon observed by military pilots might be alien spacecraft.”

What might explain at least some of the reports of UFOs?

Experimental technology, possibly hypersonic technology, from U.S. rivals including Russia or China , the report is expected to say.

The Times does not say what the government would consider as evidence a sighting was alien spacecraft – what, specifically, it considers would be evidence.

Last week NBC News aired this report on the “Today” show:

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