‘Our History Is Our Lessons’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Would Not Take Down Statues of Hitler or Satan

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene  (R-GA) says she would not support taking down statues of Hitler or Satan, even though she disagrees with them, because thy are important tools to teach her children history. There do not appear to be any statues of Hitler or Satan in the U.S., but there are many teaching opportunities available for parents, including Greene, to use without having to erect statues to evil figures.

“Our history is our lessons,” Greene said. “And our lessons is how we learn to make our choices going forward.”

“Whether I see a statue that may be something that I would fully disagree with like Adolf Hitler, maybe a statue of Satan himself. I would not want to say take it down, but again, it’s so that I could tell my children and teach others about who these people are, what they did and what they may be about.”

Greene made her remarks during a Dalton, Georgia, City Council meeting in 2020 before becoming the Republican nominee for Congress.

Congresswoman Greene has come under massive criticism in recent days for claiming masks mandates are “exactly” like the Holocaust, and today, for saying, “Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star,” and calling it “discrimination against unvaxxed people.”

Here is the video on YouTube, first reported on by Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman. Her remarks begin at the 1:34:03 mark.



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