Psaki Brilliantly Schools Reporter That Biden Traveling on Air Force One Is Different From Americans Flying Commercial

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki once again found herself having to explain very basic concepts to a White House press pool reporter, and once again that reporter happened to be CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

Collins, a former reporter for Tucker Carlson’s right wing Daily Caller website, commented on news President Biden will be making his first visit to the UK and the EU as President. She asked Psaki if, “given he is going to be traveling internationally … whether it can be a period where everyday Americans also start resuming that kind of travel.”

Psaki responded generously, saying, “Well, I would say I think most Americans would see it as slightly different from the President of the United States – I’m not suggesting you’re saying otherwise – but as a President of the United States making a diplomatic trip, abiding by COVID protocols and flying on Air Force One, than whether it is safe for mass numbers to fly internationally.”

“Obviously, everybody wants that to be reopened. Europeans, we do, American people who would like to travel. But, you know those conversations are really happening between health and medical experts and they [will] make an evaluation based on what they think is safe for the American public.”


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