‘I Survived the Bowling Green Massacre’: Outrage and Mockery Target Publisher Who Just Gave Kellyanne Conway a Book Deal

Simon & Schuster has given Kellyanne Conway a book deal, the deputy editor of The New York Times Book Review reports, and people both inside and outside the company are furious. The 97-year old worldwide publisher also recently handed former vice president Mike Pence a multi-book deal with a multi-million dollar advance, after ponying up a two million dollar advance to former Trump national security adviser John Bolton for his book. Simon & Schuster also gave Missouri far right U.S. Senator Josh Hawley a book deal but canceled it after his leading role in the January 6 insurrection.

As the Times reports, Simon & Schuster employees were furious after their bosses gave Pence his major deal, and “much of the staff erupted in protest.” On Monday, “more than 200 employees and 3,500 outside supporters, including Simon & Schuster authors” signed a petition demanding the company kill the Pence book deal.

That was before news broke about Kellyanne Conway, the former Trump campaign manager who got him into the White House then became Senior Counselor to the President, and one of his closest advisors. Throughout the Trump era many opposed to the administration called her “Minister of Propaganda.”

And now many are outraged that yet another Trump administration official is making money off their time working for a president some – including at least one member of his administration – say is responsible for hundreds of thousands of coronavirus deaths.

Here’s how people are responding to Simon & Schuster handing Conway a major book deal.



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