Lindsey Graham Again Consults With Trump’s Attorneys – in the Middle of the Trial: ‘They Actually Pulled Him Off Floor’

During the defense arguments on why Senators should acquit former President Donald Trump, charged with “incitement of insurrection,” three top Republican attorneys have been consulting on “legal strategy” with the attorneys for the accused, disgraced, 45th president.

On Friday, while the trial was progressing and the Trump defense attorneys were standing on the floor of the Senate making their arguments, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) left the trial to assist with Trump’s defense.

Punchbowl News co-founder John Bresnahan reports Trump’s lawyers “actually pulled him off floor.”

The Recount published video of Graham leaving to confer with defense attorneys.

CNN’s Manu Raju reports Sen. Ted Cruz, who has also been assisting on strategy, was spotted today as well.

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