Trump Mocked After WSJ Reports He Wants to Start a New ‘Patriot Party’ – The Original Was Linked to the Black Panthers

“Patriot Party was socialist antifa”

President Donald Trump in recent days has been talking about starting up a new political party, called the Patriot Party. Social media users immediately mocked Trump – not only for wanting to start a new party, given his historically unpopular polling numbers, but because of the name he chose for his new group.

Late last week former Trump Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, told Foreign Policy that President Trump is just plain ignorant of history.

“His understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited,” Tillerson said. “It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”

The Wall Street Journal Tuesday night reported Trump wants to call his new political party the Patriot Party.

Not surprisingly, there already has been a Patriot Party, starting in the 1960’s. It ended in the ’80’s. Trump was alive during those years, but apparently missed it.

The Patriot Party was affiliated with the Black Panthers, a far-left anti-racism Black power political group that disbanded in the early ’80’s. It grew through community organizing and became popular among poor rural Americans by advocating for free basic necessities, including food and wood for stoves.

Trump apparently isn’t the first in recent days to come up with the idea. It’s been rolling around on social media since last month.

Here’s what some are saying:

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