‘Bloodless Coup’: CNN’s Tapper Rips 12-GOP Senator ‘Sedition Caucus’

CNN “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper led off his Sunday morning show by ripping into Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and the dozen Republican senators who are planning on trying to derail the certification of the 2020 presidential election for refusing to either appear or issue a statement explaining themselves.

Calling the group of lawmakers the “sedition caucus,” Tapper was unsparing in his criticism as his producer showed their pictures behind him.

“On Saturday, 11 Republican senators said they would vote against counting electoral votes in Congress next week calling for, quote, ‘an emergency ten-day audit of emergency returns’ despite there being no evidence of widespread voter fraud,” Tapper began. “The group is following the lead of Senator Josh Hawley who says he will formally object to Biden’s decisive win despite zero credible evidence that would jusify such a move — zero.”

“Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska slammed Hawley and others of the sedition caucus saying, ‘adults don’t point a loaded gun at the legitimate government,'” Tapper continued. “Mitt Romney said on Saturday “I could never have imagined seeing these things in the greatest democracy in the world.'”

“We invited each of the 12 senators involved in plotting this disgraceful effort to come on the show and try to defend and explain their position. Each of them declined or failed to respond,” he reported. “It all recalls what Ulysses Grant wrote in 1861: ‘There are two parties now, traitors and patriots.'”

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