Georgia GOP Protestors Scream “Traitors” and “Death to Tyrants” While Demanding Trump Win Election

A video of Republican protestors in Georgia features people screaming “Death to tyrants!”, “Treason!” and “Traitors” while threatening to “finish” any Republican legislators who don’t try to stop President-elect Joe Biden from taking his rightful seat on Inauguration Day.

In the video, the main speaker with a megaphone announces, “Any Republican that allows this to happen is complicit and we will finish you.” He adds, “Any Republicans that are easily bullied into compliance by the left, we will finish you.”

“We will not accept anything less than a Donald Trump victory,” he continues. “We will accept nothing less than Donald Trump for another four years.”

He specifies that he means to “finish” these legislators by rallying Trump supporters to withdraw their support and end their political careers, but the cries of “Death to tyrants!” “Treason!” and “Traitors!” strikes an ominous undertone of potential political violence.

Specifically, protestors name Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp who recently promised to certify Georgia’s vote in Biden’s favor and Republican Utah Senator Mitt Romney who has recognized Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.

The video is evidence of the danger of Trump’s continued, unsubstantiated claims that widespread voter fraud caused him to lose the election.

Not only is Trump stoking political outrage to help anger American conservatives and cast Biden as an illegitimate leader, he is also, as actor Edwrd Norton pointed out, likely trying to create a smokescreen while evading potential civil and criminal charges after leaving the White House.

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