‘Only an Animal’: Trump Goes Off-the-Rails in Unhinged ‘News Conference’ Campaign Rally So MSNBC and CNN Stop Airing

President Donald Trump late Monday morning announced he would hold a press conference, but after a late start and minutes in it became clear it was yet another campaign-style stream-of-consciousness rally devoid of facts and filled with lies.

Both MSNBC and CNN were not airing the “press conference” minutes after it began.

After Trump’s 20 minutes or so of angry grumbling, and disgruntled attacks on Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, his Democratic opponents, Trump ended his remarks before taking reporters questions by saying, “Happy Labor Day, everybody.”

MSNBC “The Last Word” producer Kyle Griffin announced, “MSNBC aired about five minutes of Trump’s speech before cutting it off and fact checking his lies on U.S. economic progress.”

CNN’s Jim Acosta noted that the address was a campaign event:

Trump decided to hold the event at the North Portico, a more formal outdoor space in the White House usually reserved for major announcements, welcoming international leaders, and for White House family events.

During the event, Trump attacked administration officials who had told reporters he called military service members “losers” and suckers.”

“Only an animal.”

Trump attempted to Force Reuters’ Jeff Mason to remove his face mask.




Categories: WTH?
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