Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Endorsed ‘We Build the Wall’ – a $25 Million Scam That Led to Bannon’s Arrest

Several high-profile members of the Trump family and campaign, and allies tied to President Donald Trump are listed as endorsing the organization that ran a $25 million criminally fraudulent scam which led to former Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s arrest Thursday morning.

The names are well-known.

The President’s son Donald Trump, Jr., and his girlfriend, Trump campaign Finance Committee National Chair and Senior Advisor Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with U.S. Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX), and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski all are listed as having endorsed the project, called “We Build the Wall,” as The Atlantic’s Edward-Isaac Dovere notes:

It doesn’t stop there.

A 2019 Politico report stated that “Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach and Erik Prince are among the backers of an improbable effort to start building a border wall without federal funding.”

And Talking Points Memo notes “Donald Trump, Jr., spoke at an event hosted by We Build The Wall in July 2019 to celebrate a portion of border wall the group had built. We Build The Wall in turn used his appearance for further fundraising, and lists Trump Jr.’s endorsement on its website.”

In fact, former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach serves as the group’s General Counsel, according to the organization’s website. Kobach just lost a U.S. Senate bid in the Republican primary. Kobach is an anti-immigration extremist who was general counsel to an organization that is part of a hate group. He was also head of Trump’s fake “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity,” which was forced to disband when it could not find fraud.

Blackwater USA founder Erik Prince, who is the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, serves on the We Build the Wall advisory board also, along with former U.S. Congressman and anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant extremist Tom Tancredo. Also, right wing extremist “Sheriff” David Clarke, Jr., and former MLB pitcher and anti-LGBTQ extremist Curt Schilling.


Categories: CRIME
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