Internet Celebrates #BestPresidentEver Obama by Making Posts Honoring 44th President Trend on Trump’s Birthday

It’s President Donald Trump’s 74th birthday but on social media former President Barack Obama is the one being celebrated.

On Twitter, the top trending topics include #BestPresidentEver, which is number one and almost entirely comprised of tweets about Barack Obama.

“President Trump celebrates 74th birthday” is number two.

“President Obama” is number three. “Mr. President,” mostly praise for Obama or attacks on Donald Trump, is number four.

#RampGate, relating to Trump having to be helped to walk down a ramp after he delivered the West Point commencement address in number seven.

“People are expressing their appreciation for former president Barack Obama,” is number nine.

#TrumpIsUnwell comes in at number 10.

And #ObamaDayJune14th is number 11.

A few examples:

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