Trump Flew to Battleground State to Tour Coronavirus Mask Factory. Sign Says ‘Face Mask Required.’ He Didn’t Wear One.

President Donald Trump boarded Air Force One Tuesday morning, and took off to the battleground state of Arizona, where he toured a Honeywell mask factory. Given they are manufacturing medical grade face masks, the signs in the plant read, “face mask required in this area.” Trump was wearing protective goggles, but no face mask.

Accompanying the President were his new Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and his new Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, along with other White House staffers. None wore masks. Nor were any practicing social distancing.

CNN’s Jim Acosta offered these photos, with a “face mask required in this area” note taped at the bottom.

Employees just feet away involved in the manufacture of the masks were wearing them as required.

As Trump was shown the mask manufacturing the factory’s sound system was playing “Live and Let Die.”

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