Trump Official Peter Navarro Sputters and Flails After Lack of Medical Qualifications Exposed in Train Wreck CNN Interview

Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro over the weekend got into a heated argument with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, over the use of anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19.

Navarro then went on CNN Monday to present his side of the dispute with Fauci, and he was quickly exposed by CNN’s John Berman as being completely unqualified to be offering his opinion on medical matters.

“So why is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the lead infectious disease doctor in this country, wrong about this?” Berman asked.

“I’ll let him speak for himself, but I’ll have to words for you: Second opinion,” Navarro replied. “In terms of the studies that exist, I think you would grant me that there are numerous studies on this, which show preliminary therapeutics…”

“You’re saying a second opinion here,” Berman interrupted. “What are your qualifications to weigh in on medicines more than Dr. Anthony Fauci? Why should we listen to you and not Dr. Fauci?”

Navarro started out by saying that doctors disagree on things all the time, and then talked about his personal qualifications for opining on medicine.

“My qualifications, in terms of looking at the science, is that I’m a social scientist,” replied Navarro, who has a doctorate in economics. “I have a PhD! And I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it’s in medicine, the law, economics or whatever.”

“I’m sorry, that doesn’t qualify you to treat patients,” Berman shot back. “You know it doesn’t qualify to you treat patients.”

Watch the video below.

Peter Navarro exposed as being totally unqualified to prescribe medicine in train wreck interview from Brad Reed on Vimeo.


Categories: CHARLATANS
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