GOP Congressional Candidate Pardoned by Trump Tweets Homophobic Meme Suggesting LGBT People Are Violent Pedophiles

After President Donald Trump pardoned former reality show star and convicted felon Angela Stanton-King she announced her run for Congress, challenging civil rights leader and Democratic U.S. Rep. John Lewis for his Georgia seat.

Stanton-King announced her candidacy on Friday, running on a so-called “ProLIFE” platform.

That same day she posted a violent anti-LGBTQ meme depicting a rainbow-colored graphic of an arm with a hand pointing a gun, finger on the trigger, not just at someone’s head but shoved into the back of it, assassination or “execution-style.” The apparent intended victim also happens to be wearing a Christian cross.

Presumably, the message is LGBTQ people are violent murderers.

The graphic, identified by “Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters” author and blogger Alvin McEwen, reads:

LGBT “Rights”.
1995: We want tolerance.
2005: We want equality.
2015: Bake the f##### cake, bigot.
2016: Say my pronouns or go to jail.
2020: Let me f### your 8 yo kid, pedophobe.

Any suggestion LGBTQ people are by and large pedophiles who are demanding the right to rape children is not only false, but disgusting.

(Trigger warning, NCRM suggests caution.)

Here is a screenshot of the tweet, which currently can be found here. Her tweet reads: “Enough is Enough,” with an #LGBTQ hashtag.

Stanton-King posted the disgusting tweet at 8:59 AM Friday. Less than one hour later, at 10:48 AM, she announced her candidacy for the U.S. Congress:


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