Trump to Grant Clemency to Former Giuliani Partner and Disgraced NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik

In what appears to be the third act of executive forgiveness President Donald Trump will sign this week the former, disgraced NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik, a friend and former partner of Rudy Giuliani, will be granted clemency, CNBC reports.

All these pardons and commutations appear to be sending a strong message that despite his claim to be a strong anti-corruption president Trump is more than willing to protect friends and others who have committed crimes similar to those he has been accused of.

Trump earlier Tuesday commuted the sentence of a former co-owner of the San Francisco 49ers who was convicted of a felony for not reporting extortion and bribery. He had bribered a governor $400,000 for a gambling-related license.

Trump is also expected to now commute the sentence of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted of trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat.


Image of Kerik by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

Categories: CORRUPTION
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