‘The President Is Not Very Smart’: George Conway Tells CNN How Trump Played Right Into Adam Schiff’s Hands

President Donald Trump on Wednesday bragged about withholding key documents from impeachment investigators — and conservative attorney George Conway said that statement would blow up in his face.

During a talk with reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump boasted that Democrats “don’t have all the material” that they need to make their case of the president’s guilt and also asserted that “we have all the material.”

While appearing on CNN, Conway predicted that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) would use this statement as further evidence that the president has violated his oath of office by obstruction Congress, as the reason that impeachment investigators don’t have “all the material” is because the White House has refused to hand it over.

“The president is actually not a very smart man,” said Conway, who is the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. “What he did here, he’s undercutting the arguments that he needs to make to keep the material from coming out. He’s not able to think one step beyond what’s coming out of his mouth — he’s just not that smart. That’s what he did here, he’s undercutting his own defense!”

Watch the video below.


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