Trump Warns a Future Democratic President Might Get Impeached ‘Because Somebody Picked an Orange Out of a Refrigerator’

President Donald Trump is warning Democrats to reconsider impeaching him because at some point in the future House Republicans may decide to impeach a Democratic president for no reason at all – or maybe for retribution.

Speaking for nearly an hour while at NATO the American President suggested wrongly Democrats have no constitutional reason to pass articles of impeachment – and used a rather colorful and odd metaphor to make his point.

After saying, “the Democrats have gone crazy,” Trump issued his warning.

“Hopefully in the very long distant future you’ll have a Democrat president. You’ll have a Republican House,” Trump told reporters. “They’ll do the same thing. Because somebody picked an orange out of a refrigerator and you don’t like it, so let’s go and impeach him. It’s no good. That’s not the way our country is supposed to be run.”

In fact, his conversations were far from perfect. The Democrats’ case for impeachment is remarkably strong, given that both Trump and his chief of staff have admitted the extortion.

The House Intelligence Committee released its impeachment report about one hour after the president’s remarks.


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