Federal Appeals Court Rules Obamacare Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court has just ruled ObamaCare’s individual mandate is unconstitutional, but neglected to go as far as a lower court that reached the same conclusion. The case was brought by GOP officials across 20 states, led by Texas, and is supported by President Donald Trump.

The court sent the case back to a lower court directing judges to determine if the law could be saved without the individual mandate.

The 20 Republican Attorneys General and other state officials asked the lower court to declare ObamaCare unconstitutional in its entirety, a move President Trump and his Dept. of Justice have actively supported.

Almost one year ago to the day U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor ruled the individual mandate was “inseparable” from the Affordable Care Act.

“The appeals court’s decision keeps the legal threat to Obamacare alive while reducing the likelihood the Supreme Court could render a final verdict on the law before the 2020 elections,” Politico reports.

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