Dorian Hasn’t Even Hit Yet but Trump Is Already Trying to Deny Puerto Rico Hurricane Aid: ‘Will It Ever End?’

The U.S. territory of Puerto Rico gets hit by several hurricanes every year, never having enough time or financial support to rebuild. Thanks in large part to the Trump administration’s racist responses and lack of interest in the island of mostly Hispanic Americans in 2017, Hurricane Maria killed 2975 people – a fact Trump and his team tried to deny.

Tropical Storm Dorian is set to hit Puerto Rico sometime Wednesday as Hurricane Dorian, and President Donald Trump is already trying to deny its nearly 3.2 million residents aid.

“Wow! Yet another big storm heading to Puerto Rico. Will it ever end?” Trump tweeted Tuesday afternoon – as if somehow it’s Puerto Rico’s fault it’s in the path of tropical storms and hurricanes.

He also re-upped his $92 billion lie:

In reality, through May, Puerto Rico has seen only $14 billion of the $42.5 or so billion – not $92 billion – Congress has allocated, despite the President’s repeated false claims.

Related: Trump Meets Puerto Rico Hurricane Victim, Tells Him to ‘Have a Good Time’

Just last month Trump lashed out at Puerto Rico, saying it leadership is “robbing the U.S. Government blind!


Trump Praises ‘Beautiful, Soft, Very Good Towels’ Thrown at Hurricane Survivors, Attacks ‘Incapable’ Puerto Rico Mayor

Trump Rages in Late Night-Early Morning Fact-Free Tweetstorm Attacking Puerto Rico

Trump Blasts ‘Fake News’ Accounts of His Puerto Rico Visit – Puerto Ricans Compared It to ‘Playing Go Fetch With Dogs’



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