‘She’ll Cut Your Head Off and You Won’t Even Know You’re Bleeding’ Says Alexandra Pelosi of Likely Speaker

Documentary filmmaker and journalist Alexandra Pelosi says the once and future Speaker of the House is a great negotiator and is predicting trouble for President Donald Trump when he meets with her.

“She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding,” Alexandra Pelosi, who happens to also be the daughter of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, says of her mother. “That’s all you need to know about her,” she added.

The younger Pelosi was speaking to CNN on Wednesday, and was asked to weigh in on this afternoon’s upcoming meeting between Democratic congressional leaders and President Trump.

“No one ever won betting against Nancy Pelosi,” Alexandra Pelosi continued, “She’s persevered. You’ve got to give her credit. No matter what you think of her, you have to give her credit. Because, think about it. Think about all those presidents she’s endured, right? The Bush, the Bush, the Clintons. She’s been through it all. She’s been around. This is not her first rodeo, as your friend George Bush would say. She knows what she’s doing.”

Alexandra also noted that “it’s going to be a whole new America,” and “magical” on Thursday when a historic number of women will be sworn in to Congress.



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