Time Magazine’s Latest Cover Is Royally Spectacular (Its Subject, Not So Much)

TIME magazine’s new cover shows President Donald Trump looking in the mirror, and seeing a king. It perfectly sums up the un-American manner in which the president has been behaving.

It reads: “King Me.”

“Trump’s critics hear in these ever-expanding claims of presidential authority not just an echo of Richard Nixon, but the kind of unchecked power Americans have bridled against from the moment they broke with the British monarchy in the 18th century,” the TIME cover story states.

“Spurred by his desire to discredit the Mueller investigation, Trump is putting America’s founding principles on trial, from its independent justice system to the separation of powers to the rule of law. It’s too early to say how the war on Mueller will end. But just as the post-Watergate period redefined presidential power in America, Trump’s vision of the office may well determine the contours of the American government he leaves behind.”

(Meanwhile, Trump’s staunchly ignorant supporters are helping fan those flames of grandeur by demanding Americans “pay tribute” to Trump.)